Transgender Children and the Absolute Bible
Children are the dearest part of the families of this world.
The Son of God exalted children by saying “But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.” (Luke 18: 16-17) The vilest idea I can imagine is to make the sodomy life the normal for children before there is any possibility of such a choice on their part. This has got to be the sickest thing possible in our decadent world. The mindless idea of a young child being labeled a transgender person is the latest liberal concept of the homosexual agenda.
Nothing makes little children and the promises of God more beautiful than Satan’s drive to defile and debauch them. Everything in God’s world, and especially His plans for the Biblical future, has been attacked by the devil. That’s what the devil is, an imitator and substitute showman that belittles the breathtaking beauty of human life and especially the future of the Kingdom of God. Satan’s drive to portray himself as God has never produced one thing but proof that he is a “god,” the idiot god, clearly headed for defeat. Same-sex immorality, and especially same-sex marriage, is Satan’s darkest imitation. Lucifer has always reserved his grandest schemes to try to defile God’s greatest glory.
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is the pinnacle of the Church’s future. The saints of God that have paid the ultimate price in sacrifice and abandonment to Christ’s kingdom are soon to shine like jewels in His eternal crown. Joseph A. Seiss, a Lutheran pastor of a century ago, said, “The harlot (must be) swept away” and then “the faithful woman comes to her rightful honors.” (The Apocalypse, Joseph A. Seiss, p. 425.) He further stated, “The Betrothed, so long waiting amid privation, persecution, and contempt, now becomes a Bride.” (Ibid.) Same-sex marriage represents the immorality and fallen character of the harlot woman, and she is soon to be swept away so that the true Bride can be ushered into her glory.
The marriage of a man and a woman is a type and figure of the Marriage of the Lamb and His Bride. We must understand that same-sex marriage is an attack on this earthly sacrament also. Those who claim the right of calling the immoral union of two men or two women a marriage blaspheme every husband and wife. Same-sex marriage is not just a sin; it is an abomination preserved for the ultimate judgment of God. By the Holy Ghost, Apostle Paul said, “Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefined: but whore mongers (male prostitutes, especially homosexual prostitutes) and adulterers God will judge.” (Hebrews 13:4) No experience of human flesh is more sacred than marriage. The first institution that God established to satisfy the deep longing of man was his union with woman. God intended that we fill His world with a multitude to love and serve Him.
Satan is on a rampage to defile the family of humankind and the future family of the redeemed. There is no fear that he will succeed, but he will turn this world into a wilderness one more time. The process of his debauchery has begun and this will be his final fling. Before we deal with the glory of the future Marriage of the Lamb, we must view the worldwide homosexual brothel that Satan is planning. I do not believe that there is any question but that the antiChrist will be a homosexual. The world is literally hell-bent on making the sodomite lifestyle the order of the day. Anyone that refuses to call this lifestyle okay is attacked with ferocity. Sodomites are thrilled to destroy any institution that stands in their way. Their motives and methods cannot be called anything but demonic. It will become a crime to open your mouth to disagree with them.
The Homosexual Agenda
1. Acceptance as normal
2. Tax Benefits
3. Right to parade on our streets
4. Same-sex marriage
5. Transgender acceptance
6. Transgender children
7. Homosexual Superiority
8. Forbidding Heterosexual marriage
The antiChrist Will Be a Sodomite
Making this statement has never been acceptable with most prophecy teachers. That is about to change. The worldwide drive to decriminalize this destructive conduct has passed the point of no return. The battle now is to legalize same-sex marriage, create families of transgender children, and to raise the sodomite community to represent the dominant characteristics of mankind. This will be the antiChrist culture for the coming seven years. Those that oppose this development will be hated until the Rapture and those that miss the Rapture will be hunted and destroyed after the Rapture. I believe that the antiChrist will seek to cleanse the earth of heterosexual conduct after he gains worldwide control. The Biblical family will be outlawed for seven dark years.
Daniel prophesied of the antiChrist’s character. By the Holy Ghost he spoke, “And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.” (Daniel 11:36-39)
The wording of the passage leaves no doubt that this “god” promoted by the antiChrist will be totally unprecedented. All heathenism and heathen temples have exalted sodomy and sodomite prostitutes as part of their rituals. This evil antiChrist and his strange god (Lucifer) will speak marvelous (high, strange, and hidden) things. He will exalt sin and immorality to a new level and swiftly cause the entire earth to become a moral wilderness.
The churches, temples, mosques, and synagogues of the world will all become sodomite institutions ruled by prostitutes of this new faith. We have already learned that at least half of the Catholic priests of this worldwide religion are homosexuals. Catholic bishops have basically made using children as sex toys acceptable within their ranks. Now, the Episcopalians have made the transition to electing an openly gay bishop. For a long time, they have allowed sodomites to serve as priests and become members of their churches. Other denominations are quickly following this same pattern. Bible-believing churches are daily becoming more impossible to find. It will get worse as we await our Lord’s return.
The harlot woman of Revelation Seventeen is the Biblical picture of the New World Religion. She is a “great whore” and rules the religious world of the antiChrist kingdom. She makes the world drunk, intoxicated on her filth. The antiChrist makes this new religion wealthy and demands that she and all her priests promote total abominations against all Biblical truth and standards. This new religion will be responsible for the Mark of the Beast and will offer that mark only to those that fit their culture. The rest will be swiftly eliminated. Tens of millions will die at their hand.
What Can We Expect While We Await the Rapture?
I’m concerned about what is going to happen after the Rapture, but I’m more concerned about what will happen before the Rapture. The spirit of deception is so overwhelming that most people have no idea what is happening. Many otherwise decent people cannot comprehend the onslaught of the evil landslide we are experiencing. Already people are saying, “I don’t mind sodomites being members of the church serving as elders, etc., but I cannot accept them as bishops or in high offices.” That’s total foolishness. The church world is full of members that live together outside of marriage. If Jesus tarries, we are on the verge of being a worldwide Sodom and Gomorrah. The saints are going to soon be like Lot of whom it was said, “For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds.” (II Peter 2:8) Daniel described this coming hour perfectly. “Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.” (Daniel 12:10)
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Thanks Joe x 1000 for standing on Biblical principles .This is an encouragement for me… Thanks Mickey Vance
widd medford
Thank you so much for this site and for your convictions about the Word of God and the KJV. Great messages! My son and his wife were friends of a couple about 14 years who had 4 sons and were Christians. One son was attracted seriously to only female things which frightened them, so they searched until they found a doctor who said it could be reversed and it was in two years. Then it was all trucks ,airplanes and sports. About two years for him to be turned around. To seek help to do this is now illegal in California. I know your stance on psychologists, but not all churches pray, believe and see miracles happen like in our churches. I give all credit to prayer by his parents and friends rather than the doctor. How tragic. Satan never lets up and it is getting easier for him as “churches” walk away from the Word and the Power of God for growth and money. My little Assembly church, which I drive 41 miles one way to attend, does anoint and pray, along with singing out of our hymnals. We have an old time preacher of over 50 years who is holding to the Word and it only.I’ve been healed several times of medically proven problems that would have required heavy medicine until I died or was raptured because Bible believing Christians in a small Pentecostal church believed ,anointed me and prayed. They later rejoiced greatly because of answered prayer for my healing. Almost every day I see things that if happened 40 years ago we would have been warned about it from the pulpit the next Sunday. Now…Nothing, except in our churches. It cannot be long until that Glorious Day arrives. Thank you, thank you for your work. If I do not get back to North Carolina to visit your church soon, I will see you at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!!!
At last Joseph, you found a truth on which we agree.
Hi, I totally agree with your program today and am so thankful for you.I pray Jesus will come any minute, as it is only going to get worse for Christians. Thanks again for allyou do. Lorraine
We must all treasure the Word of God. On this issue He has clearly stated His Will, and given the warning to flee such belief.
Let no one desire to be a rich man, as told in Luke 16:19-31. He denied the Word and Will of GOd, and didn’t cry out, until too late, tormented in Hell.
For those who confess Jesus Christ before men, He will confess them before His Father, which is in Heaven, Matthew 10:32-35.
It is my great desire to be counted amongst those, He so speaks of.
It makes me so angry that some schools are teaching kids as young as kindergarten, that homosexuality and transgender is normal and accepted. That they have a choice. Children are often confused when they are young, forming their morals and their respective gender roles. It is not un common for a young boy to play dolls with his sister or for a girl to play Trucks, etc. with a brother. We did growing up. But you also must teach them their is a difference in boys and girls, and that just because they may like to play dolls with the little girls now, it doesn’t mean they are going to be, or should become a “girl”. Then the entire business of allowing boys to choose to identify with girls and use the girls bathroom and locker rooms is disgusting. What about the rights to feel safe for the little girls. If you ask me, the entire vaccine and drug movement is altering kids personalities and hormonal make up. When you shoot kids up as yound as infants, with vaccines that have human diploid cells (fetus cells, this is another human’s DNA), there are going to be consequences that are not pretty.
Ed Wood
Do you realize that the Episcopal Church (TEC) gave its approval for openly homosexual Gene Robinson to be ordained a bishop all the way back in 2003? For quite some time before that homosexuals were still being ordained despite TEC’s official prohibition. Now doing this is “business as usual,” not only for TEC but most of liberal Protestantism today.
It seems that after 2003, the secular world eagerly opened the floodgates to condoning homosexuality, I think very much aided and abetted by much of the church giving its approval.
I think, except for the technology, Lot would find this age terribly familiar to the place he lived before God finally had enough.
Makes me wonder just how close to that line we are now.
Back to your old trick of parsing my answer, eh?
That’s okay, Joseph, you and I both know how dishonest you are.
But just remember, Jesus hates your doctrine of “the end justifies the means” as just another form of dishonesty. A half truth is a lie. And liars go to hell.