The Tribulation Saints Who Missed the Pre-Tribulation Rapture
The rejection and even hatred for the truth of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture has exploded over the church world.
The spirit of apostasy rejects any truth that demands a set apart lifestyle of righteousness. Even the great majority of those that believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture have been swayed to think that “Godliness” is not a prerequisite for being part of the Bride. Never in church history until this “Laodicean Age” has sin been coddled and promoted by the very leaders of Christendom. Wake up time could occur any moment when the “left behind” multitude realizes that the Bride of Christ is gone with the Bridegroom.
The Book of Revelation is a literal book and nothing is clearer than the company of Tribulation saints in Revelation Seven. This great multitude will certainly include former heathens, Moslems, and persons of every persuasion but the greatest part will be from the church world of careless church members. Children, young people, and young adults that rejected fundamental truths of purity and separation will be broken-hearted that they missed the Brideship of Christ. The greatest honor on this earth is to be part of the Bride and live in the “New Jerusalem.” The Tribulation saints will not have this honor.
Look at this warning that the church world pays no attention to: “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.” (Revelation 3:15-18) There are no words to make this truth more perfectly evident. Why do the prophesy teachers not warn the lukewarm church world?
No picture in the Book of Revelation is more graphic than this multitude of dying or dead saints, martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ. This vast number is clearly the multitudes that missed the Rapture but repented and became willing sacrifices for Christ. This scene shows up first in Chapters Six almost as soon as the Seven Years of the Great Tribulation begins.
When the Lamb of God had opened the fifth seal, the text tells us what John saw. “I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held…” (Revelation 6:9b) They were physically dead but yet alive. They had been martyred but were now awaiting their resurrection. Their death had been so gruesome that even in this glorious place and clearly beyond the instrument of their death they were pained to remember how they died. John saw and heard as they cried aloud. “And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?” (Revelation 6:10) What a breathtaking Vision.
I know of no place in Scripture where the dead had not forgotten the suffering that preceded their death. But this is the Great Tribulation of which Jesus said, “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.” (Saint Matthew 24:21-22) Their death had been horrific. They had been molested, mutilated and finally murdered.
John saw them given “white robes” and told to rest and await as the carnage continued on the earth. These were the first to turn to Jesus Christ and die by the “One World Religious System” and the government powers of the “One World Order”. These already put to death or martyred for their new found surrender could rejoice that death has spared them from the ongoing calamity on earth. John wrote what he saw happen to them. “And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.” (Revelation 6:11)
This drama gives us a picturesque view of the hellish treatment awaiting anyone that misses the Rapture and even thinks to be saved. The cost of discipleship today does not touch the cost of discipleship after the Rapture. The devil will have lost the prize of the “Bride of Christ” he had so determined to destroy. The remnant repenting will be seen as the last vestige of our present effort to warn the world. He will shake his fist at us in heaven while he slaughters our sons and daughters left behind. “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” (Revelation 12:17)
John does not just view their death and the sorrows of such horrible suffering. He sees the triumph also. We move to Chapter Seven and this great multitude that has died is no longer under the altar but caught up to be guest at the wedding supper. They can no longer count on being in the Bride but can be part of the great banquet celebration. They are a multitude from all over the earth. There is no longer a heathen world that has never heard the name of Jesus. Both the lie of Lucifer and the truth of Jesus Christ are known by all the earth’s population.
All nations will know and will be a part of these scenes. “After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.” (Revelation 7:9-10) There will certainly be a great multitude of those that know enough of the Gospel and truth to quickly repent of their unprepared spiritual condition. I believe the vast population of heathens, false religions, and post-Christian churches will now learn the truth and have the privilege for the price of martyrdom for Christ. Do not miss a later scene that John the Revelator saw that we will call “The Guest At the Wedding Supper.”
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My former pastor was once asked “how does one know when they are lukewarm”? The pastor answered “when you are more concerned about being lukewarm then you are about your relationship with Jesus Christ then you are in trouble”
This to me is the foundation of what is wrong with “once saved always saved” the “rapture” pre/mid/post and many of the doctrines in the church today.
We should be “about our father’s business”, constantly looking for that opening in people’s lives that we might share our faith. Communing with the Lord, praying for our nation, our loved ones, seeking His will.
If after that we have time to concern ourselves with doctrine then perhaps we need more prayer.
The tribulation is coming, the rapture is coming let’s seek His face.
Annie Morrison
I am not understanding Ray’s post. Ray, it sounds to me like you are speaking out of both sides of your mouth — for DOCTRINE is indeed important. For we are to obey the doctrines, the teachings of Jesus Christ. And He told us that we should take heed that we not be lukewarm. This is Jesus’ doctrine.
I am observing many “lukewarm” Christians and they are not a joy to be around. When you are one who has been awakened and cannot help but speak of your hope and want others to hear and receive faith to believe, to embrace and to prepare for a pre-tribulation rapture, it is like you are speaking to people who are deaf and dumb. There is no, “Praise God — Yes! And God is doing a purging work in my own life. He is showing me little things that I’ve let slip, and He is causing me to absolutely HATE a minute spent in some vain, worthless pursuit. But He is doing the deepest work in my attitudes towards other professing Christians. In my own household, I am finding myself being tempted like I’ve never before been tempted. I find myself so provoked by the worldliness, the lack of zeal, the prayerlessness, the fellowship with the world’s entertainments and excitements about the latest place to buy organic foods, and the latest teaching from this person who charges $25.00 or more to each person to hear their “revelation” about how our brains work and they speak to secular and religious groups — and the Christian is wowed by their scientific understanding and spends hours weekly hearing and viewing and being excited about this new revelation. Yet that same Christian does not have the hope of a pre-tribulation rapture and has a despicable attitude arise when I share the least “it is written” that is filling my own soul to be sure I’m ready TODAY! There is no excitement about Jesus in so many around me. There is no living water flowing out of wells, but instead — the latest sports event, or the latest time “God showed up” and laid them out to soak. Truly, I understand why Jesus asked the question: “But when I come, will I find faith?” This is the most fearful of all things to observe. They profess to know Him, but in works they deny Him. They want smooth things, and they want lies that allow them to keep their cigarettes and think they’ll go up in the rapture, because they aren’t as “bad” as other Christians. Indeed, this is the generation that shall soon be as those left to experience the flood of end-time evil. I often hear the sounds of screams and scratching fingers and pounding fists upon the wooden sides of the ark. It sat still for seven days before God allowed the heavens and the deeps to open and the rain to come. THEN they believed. THEN they wanted out. But it was too, too, late. This is what I live for — to declare this word of promise and the conditions necessary to receive this promise’s personal fulfillment in our lives. And I am despised, ridiculed, hated and rejected by the lost religious around me. But what is the most grievous is to sense this same mocking amongst those in your own house — your own church family. I clearly understand Brother Chambers post — and I am no longer allowing anyone to quench what is burning in my own heart and still purging me of my own areas of lack of full consecration and obedience. Truly, this is the day that could see the fulfillment of this word of promise. I want to be among those who have been accounted worthy to escape ALL that is coming and to stand before JESUS and receive whatever God has for us during those seven years of being shut it and hidden with Him in heaven until all these Tribulation period calamities on earth be overpassed. Come quickly Lord Jesus and give us grace to finish our race TODAY — and tomorrow, if we have it. And let us not be ashamed of our blessed hope and put a bushed over our light. But let us die to whatever and all that any think of us, knowing that the day will surely declare it, and then — they that murmured shall learn doctrine. The scoffers shall no longer scoff. And those who mocked Your servants, they shall know what they have to endure to the end to enter into Your Kingdome. Forgive those who despise your words and give them yet opportunity to repent of their unbelief and loving of this present evil world. But I believe His Church is being tested and those who are coming out from among every false doctrine, every inspiration that is touted as the Holy Spirit but is in fact of another spirit, preaching another Jesus and blaspheming the Holy Spirit of God — I believe we who have this hope of His coming TODAY to take us to Himself as His bride, we are making ourselves ready and are preaching by our lives and words at every opportunity daily. We are not loving our own lives to their death now — for we are not afraid to declare that we are seeking another Kingdom and we believe in the power of God unto this salvation. For He has not only saved us from our sins, but He has saved us from the wrath that it is to come — and the Tribulation Period if it is nothing else — it is declared as the period of God’s wrath being poured out on a world that has rejected Him and the word He sent to deliver them from destruction. Just as they despised Noah’s preaching and did not enter into the Art, they likewise despise our preaching. Just as there had never been a flood, never been rain before — so they laughed and mocked, they likewise laugh and mock at those of us who tell them that Jesus is coming — even could be today — to take away His Bride at an instant in time known only to His Father, and Our Father. I, like Dave, say — “Let the dogs bark.” And, “Let the dead bury the dead.” If others are dead inside to this promise that provokes me to live a life that is holy, pure and undefiled? Well, I cannot say anything but that one day, THAT day will give witness and vindication that will indeed be undeniable. We are the circumcision who worship God in the Spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh. Maranatha!
Bill Scudder
How can anyone be a Christian without the indwelling of the holy spirit? how can there be a “TRIBULATION SAINT”. All Christians will go in the rapture if it’s pre-trib, mid-trib or post-trib. You are either a Christian or you are not a Christian and you are not saved because of your works or goodness. We are being sanctified until Christ comes but we are not perfect until them.
There is no such thing as a Tribulation Saint.
It was written to the angel of the church, not to the individual believer.
Rom 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
Jhn 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
The description of the people does not sound like believers in Christ, but unbelievers who made a good portion of the membership.
17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
A true believer would never be described this way.
Bill, the book of Revelation is CLEAR that the LUKEWARM ~ YES, real CHRISTIANS ~ those who are lukewarm who go whoring after idols (which can be something as “innocent” as football ~ if it takes the place of the Lord!!) Hear what I am saying: football is of itself NOT evil ~ however it can be when our thoughts are placed on it more than on the Lord!! And in America, there are tons of idols…. sporting events are certainly up there!
Those who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk (are not obedient to following the Lord) will be left behind. In my humble opinion, that will be the majority.
Annie, thanks for your rousing speech! It’s actually one I’m going to print out & keep near my Bible… a call to arms! A call to action!
It does indeed get very lonely to feel that hardly anyone else in our personal sphere is watching for Jesus to come! They are SO into physical things of this present life. Got to remind ourselves we are merely pilgrims and sojourners here!! If we love Jesus and abide in Him, our ultimate dwelling place is to go be where He is and then to be with Him forever!
By all signs, it might be very soon!
Before I hit send, I do have one question though: Annie, you have mentioned people keeping their cigarettes…. this is not intended to debate, but merely a question I am pondering: why would smoking cigarettes keep one from being holy & attaining heaven? I’m not a smoker, but did grow up in a smoke-filled home. But remember, from that “era”, many people smoked & got hooked on the habit. And I know we are to treat well our temples; yet how is the habit of smoking any different than someone overeating and getting fat? Or biting one’s nails? Just wondering….
Annie Morrison
I only used this one area of smoking cigarettes because of personal experience. Yes — nail-biting is a sign for some as being fearful — a habit learned most often as a child and then carried forth into adult-hood for some. I don’t think it is a result of loving the taste of fingernails and wanting to taste them. I think it is a learned habit that one has to trust God to deliver one from and God will bring the peace and practice of resisting the temptation. And, eventually, the person experiences freedom.
Having extra weight on our frames can indeed be from the sin of gluttony — overeating. But when one repents of overeating, the fat stops at a point. And, that person who has repented of the overeating has access to God and peace with God — because repentance has followed the confession of the sin. One is not continuing to gorge and stuff and eat so much that weight is continually put upon the body.
And, God — may none of us be without witness against any sins in our lives that we are to be purged of before your coming. For when we see you, Jesus — we shall then be like YOU. And that is the most precious promise of all to my heart. THEN — our completion shall be complete! But now, don’t let us make excuse for continuing in any single fleshly sin. But help us humble ourselves and pray, and turn from our evil ways and turn TO YOU for the help that you promise to give us, to save us to the uttermost. Some of us just need a good healthy dose of godly fear, God — that we may turn from our sins. Please pour out your grace and your power in these closing hours that we may be repenting and live in that daily repentance — not making excuse and excusing our sins by calling them weaknesses. Show us the way of escape you’ve promised in every temptation and help us run to you and not from you. In Jesus’ Name ANNIE
Ed Branch
The new format looks good. I like it that the e-mail includes the entire article and posts. The graphics caught my attention. I like the improvements!!!
About this article, I would say that the idea that everyone that says “Lord, Lord” is going in the great “catching away” fits so conveniently with the “once-saved-always-saved” theology, and the lukewarmness that prevails today. That is why the Rapture of the true church doctrine is despised.
Have we forgotten that the world (world system) is the enemy of God? Have we forgotten that the Bride of Christ is a chaste Bride? It’s when we get away from basic Biblical doctrine that we have to find something else to fit how we are living.
Great article, Brother Chambers, we need to be reminded that the Rapture will be the great discriminator.
There will be NO “Pre-Trib” Rapture of “the Church” nor “the saints” nor “the elect.”
In fact, there will be no Rapture until heaven and earth pass away in fervent heat with a loud noise . . . all of which will ONLY occur AFTER The Millennium.
However, there will be a resurrection from the dead of The Two Witnesses relating to The Antichrist (beast and false prophet) and a resurrection but ONLY of those beheaded who had not received the Mark of the Beast (see Rev 20:4)
no pretrib rapture its a satanic lie
Les Brown
Joseph, you are in great error. 1 Thess 5:2 says, “For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.” The day of the Lord has not come yet. The “DAY OF THE LORD” is a time of great punishment & suffering for the entire planet. (Joel 2:1-2 Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand;
2 A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations.)
(Zeph 1:15-16>15 That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness,
16 A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers.
It is also called the 7 year tribulation, Daniels 70th week, Jacob’s (Israels) trouble, the day of Christ wrath, great tribulation, etc. Scripture puts the rapture “”BEFORE” this time period. Compare 1Thes.4:16-17 (RAPTURE) to 1Thes 5:2 (day of the Lord) to 1 Thess 5:9> For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, (escape from God’s wrath.)
See also:
Rom 5:9> Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be “SAVED FROM WRATH” through Him.
Rev 3:10> Because thou hast kept the word of My patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
1 Thess 1:10> And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus, WHICH DELIVERED US FROM THE WRATH TO COME.
Rom 5:9> Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.
Do these Scriptures sound like the Church/believers are going to go “through” the tribulation or be saved/delivered/raptured before God’s judgement (DAY OF THE LORD) comes???
The rapture is for the Church (believers) – the Day of the Lord is for Christ rejecters.
Ed Branch
Amen, Les Brown! Some will never believe the Bible until they have to experience for themselves what it says. Many will be “believers” too late. That is my great concern for this present church age.
Bill Scudder
RJ, you said the majority of true Christians will be left behind. I don’t think so. These are not true Christians that are left behind. No real Christians put football or anything ahead of the Lord. And He will not come as a thief in the night to those of us that are saved but only to the unsaved.
ED Branch,–I do not think that everyone that says “Lord” Lord will go in the rapture and I am one of those that you mention that believe in the security of the Believer. That if you are truly saved He will not forsake you but keep you until the end. I have eternal life and I can not be born again and again.
The seven year tribulation is a lie. They base it on a verse in Daniel which really refers to Jesus’ ministry of 3 and a half years. In the midst of the week sacrifices and oblation ceased when Jesus was crucified. And for the next 3 and a half years the Apostles preached to the Jews only. This fulfilled the week already. In Revelation, we learn that the tribulation only last 42 months. Not 7 years as most preachers misconstrue the verse in Daniel.
Well, we do know for a fact that there will be those who are killed for their faith in Jesus Christ during the tribulation. That point cannot be argued away. Why are those people who believe still here on earth after the Rapture? Because they waited too late to believe in Jesus Christ and to trust Him alone for their salvation. Your point about idolatry and lukewarmness is well taken and Christians need to be reminded often of these issues. But if unconfessed sin keeps a person from going in the Rapture, then we are going to have to pick a day where either none of us sinned or else pick a day when every Christian repented at the exact same moment. While I believe in living a separated life from the world and that Christians should not fall into the worlds mold, you are going to have a hard time convincing me that my salvation is based on my good works or my lack of sin. “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and The Truth is not in us.” You do bring up a good point about the 7 churches of Asia with Philadelphia being the only one that gets a promise to miss that terrible day which will come upon the earth. But then we have to ask, was he literally talking about that church in that day, or are these 7 churches representative of various churches throughout the ages, or is it specifically speaking of individual believers throughout the last 2000 years as a category? Just keep in mind, if you think that you deserve to go because you are sinless, you are not going in the rapture. That’s a guarantee.
Rapture? That is a teaching of Christendom, not Christianity. It is not scriptural. There are still a remnant of the 144,000 still on Earth. Estimates are about 6000 left. They will be transformed into spirit bodies and taken to Heaven to join Jesus in the final battle at Armageddon (Har Megido). Saint means holy, and the only One that the Bible calls holy is God Almighty. There are no “saints”. Another teaching of false Christianity. It is wiser to believe the Bible rather than what ANY man made religion teaches. Religions are used by Satan to mislead the entire inhabited Earth. They are a large part of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. They will be destroyed along with all governments of man, and all those who follow religion and not God. It appears that somewhere near ten million will be protected during the final battle, if it happens real soon. It does appear that it will happen VERY soon.
YOU are way off to claim the church is the bride. You can tell me how long the TRIBULATION is?? If you have the answer then give it. I will prove by scripture that you are incorrect to state a pre trib rapture. READ REVELATION many times as well as the rest of the BIBLE. PLEASE SHOW SCRIPTURE for your answers. I will show the truth.
Thank you and Bless you for writing that. I am going to print it and share it with every one I know. I need constant reminders to not be distracted by this world and to love the Lord my God with all my heart and all my soul. And to love my neighbor as myself. I struggle daily to resist the temptations of this world. And I too see an increase in the temptations in my life. I pray daily for my Lord to reveal my sins to me so I may repent. I fear the sins that I don’t even recognize because the world, and the great deceiver of this world, has made everything upside down. Right is wrong, evil is good, light is dark. I pray that He will give me the voice and the wisdom to share the Blessed Hope with those who are struggling in the dark. Before it is to late. Bless you for shinning your light and not hiding it under a bushel.
You pre-tribulation people are funny. You say that we are holding back the antichrist and then we are taken away (2 thess. 2:1 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, 2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us—whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. 3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[a] is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.). But you neglect the verse that says that what first must take place is the anti-christ comming out first….which one is it we leave and he comes out or he comes out then we leave. That day will not come until the falling away happens then the anti-christ comes out. I have an idea of what will happen. First i think hell will be released and the NWO will be part of that, then Zeus and company will come down and squash them and the world will believe he is god and he will say he is the god of all religions and all roads lead to him and will show signs and wonders. Then Leviathan will be released from the sea and Behemoth will be released from the earth, and all hell will break loose. Then God will come back right when everyone thinks that God is no longer with us and we loose hope.
But friends, does the Bible really say this?
We cannot have any biblical beliefs if they cannot be found in scripture. Can we?
So let’s see what the scriptures tell us.
At the end of the Book of Revelation, we find the “Second Coming of Christ.”
“And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.”
Revelation 19:11
Most of us have read this verse and can agree that this is the “Second Coming of Jesus”, right?
By the time that we arrive to this part of Revelation, the great tribulation is at its end. The arrival of Jesus will end this horrible time on earth.
But I want to draw your attention to something.
The Feast
Let’s go back a few verses in Chapter 19 and read what it says. Precisely four verses sooner;
“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.” Revelation 19:8,9
Do you see that brethren? “The Marriage of the Lord is come.” and, “His wife has made herself ready…”
Now here comes the truth that we cannot ignore folks. We were just told that the “bride hath made herself ready.”
The “Bride” is finally ready and we are at the END of the tribulation period! We are in Revelation chapter 19. The bride is not ready till Revelation 19. But we are given the fable by preachers across the country that the bride gets raptured in Revelation chapter 4. That is absurd!
How did the bride become ready? By purging!
The only way this can be accomplished is by enduring the Great Tribulation, which means no pre-tribulation rapture snatched away the Christians seven years prior!
And now let’s look at the next verse folks, Revelation 19:9:
“And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.” Revelation 19:9
Do you see it? We just read that the time for the “Wedding Feast” or “Marriage Supper of the Lamb” is at the end of the tribulation!
When Jesus arrives on his white horse, the tribulation period will be finished and complete. And it is at the end of the timeline that we see the marriage supper mentioned and occurring.
So according to your Bible and my Bible… The “Marriage Supper of the Lamb” does not happen seven years prior to the return of Christ!
THE “Bride” is identified in REV 21:9 , the church or brethern are not the bride.
the bride doe’s not get called to her own marriage supper.
I believe the RAPTURE happens at REV 14:14
There are 7 years in only 2 trumpets 6+7
The Bible speaks only of one Wedding! Adding to Scripture is dangerous!!!!
From Tom: Just to help those who may be confused.
There are clearly two brides and there are clearly two weddings.
The first bride is very clearly the saints and the marriage supper is very clearly at the return of Christ.
The final “wedding” is when the “Father of the Bride” gives away the bride (New Jerusalem) to the bridegroom who is the body of Christ. This takes place at the end of the Millennium.
Dear Joseph
I will be glad to be corrected if you would please show from scripture where there is only one bride and not two different brides. This is why there seems to be a division among believers, many say the saints are the bride, others argue the New Jerusalem is the bride. Both groups are correct. But, there is indeed two brides. Not one or the other.
1) There is the “marriage of the Lamb..and the bride has made herself ready” according to Revelation 19:7. This clearly takes place at the time Christ returns. (Revelation 19:11)
2) There is the bride (New Jerusalem) coming down from heaven adorned for her husband. (Revelation 21:2,9-10) This clearly takes place at the end of the Millennium when death and Hades are thrown into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:14) and there is a new heaven and a new earth. (Rev.21:1) Also, another clue is that now the tabernacle of God is among men.
As it appears in scripture, there is without a doubt, two different brides. Logic dictates if there are two brides, there would be two weddings.
To make one bride from two as is clear from scripture, seems to be taking away from scripture.
Rapture does NOT appear anywhere in the scriptures. Saints do not appear in the scriptures. Saint means holy. The only one called holy in the bible is God Almighty. Rapture and saints are an invention of false Christianity. All religions made up by man are false. If they have a name, a church, and clergy, they are false and exist for only one reason: to help Satan mislead the entire inhabited Earth. To lead people away from God Almighty.
Annie Morrison
Emery, you are 100% right. The word “rapture” does not occur once in the Scriptures. The Greek word used in I Thess. 4:17 where Paul writes: “And WE who are alive shall be caught up” — “caught up” is the Greek word “harpazo.” You can do your own word research at any Bible website that will take you to the original Greek/Hebrew. I use Bible Hub, and here is the link for the Greek words for “caught up” —
When Jerome translated the New Testament to Latin in 400 A.D., he translated the Greek word into the Latin word, rapturo. This is where we get our English translation into “rapture.”
I find it most interesting that another Greek word in this family — see Strong’s 725 root family — gives the connotation of receiving a prize. Truly, to be enabled by the Spirit of God to have His Spirit show us things to come requires that we have personal faith that the Holy Spirit will never witness anything to any of us that is not revealed through diligent study of the Scriptures.
God exhorts us through Paul to Timothy that we must diligently study to show ourselves approved of God. If we will study, search, pray, ask and wait until the Holy Spirit — the Teacher and the Revealer — until He causes us to KNOW with certainty the truth, we shall indeed then be led to embrace this promise, ask God for it for ourselves, and then meet the conditions He reveals are required to receive its manifestation. Few today are willing to do their own personal study and lay aside all preconceived ideas that oppose the simplicity of childlike faith.
Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Rm. 10:17). In Acts 17:11, we are told that God granted faith, the ability to believe, to those who receive the teachings without arguments, disputations — but then personally go to the Scriptures to prove AS SO, AS VALID what they are taught. Few today take every teaching they receive and personally apply themselves to the study required in order to receive personal revelation, personal quickening, personal conviction and personal faith.
But if any single man, woman or child will follow God’s ways of gaining faith, then God will faithfully grant revelation, unveiling, understanding of things that appear cloudy, of truths, of promises made by God as Father to obedient children.
One of the biggest arguments I hear as to why there is “no such thing as this escape,” the argument I hear is that we who believe in a pretribulation rapture are presumptuous and simply do not want to suffer. I have been told that we who profess this belief are arrogant because we think God would grant us a pass when all the martyrs before us have suffered horrendous tortures and death for their faith.
The Holy Spirit gave me answer through a simple question: “Did these who died in faith experience the Tribulation period?” He also made clear to me many years ago that Satan’s greatest strategies lie in questioning the simple Scriptures. Just as he came to Eve, asking “HATH GOD SAID?” – so he continues today.
But God is not the author of confusion. He also does not want us to live in the realm of mental assent, but He wants to grant us the converting power of His Spirit so that we KNOW the truth of this matter and ask for this promise to be granted us. Then we come into a daily walk on a narrow path that is growing brighter and brighter until the full day.
The closer we come to the moment of God’s pouring out His Spirit in mighty resurrection power upon those who believe — hear that — those who believe — the more the devil will taunt and question and scoff and mock those who indeed possess this faith and are living to be ready, clean, pure and accounted as such worthy to escape all that is coming so swiftly.
It is these who are truly abiding in Christ Jesus and only in Him live, and move and have their being. It is these who are now seated by faith with Christ in the heavenlies, far above all principalities and powers, awaiting the reunion with the Lord of Glory — where faith is then made sight, and blessed hope is then made experience.
If we have two witnesses of God’s catching away those who were alive at the time of His wrath being poured out upon the wicked, then we have basis for His Spirit confirming or strengthening us in the knowledge of His will. For God confirms His will in the mouth, or testimony, of two witnesses.
God caught up Enoch because He walked with God and had this testimony — that he had the faith that pleased God. Enoch never denied the power of God. No one who denies God’s power will have the faith they need to receive the prize of the highest calling in Christ Jesus — the “Come up HITHER” catching away of those who heard, who fought the good fight against all unbelief, and who continued in the Word, in diligent study — comparing spiritual things with spiritual — UNTIL …. UNTIL THEY KNEW THE TRUTH OF THE PRETribulation rapture, and were made free from all doubt and unbelief.
I personally believe the Holy Spirit daily tries us in every situation to see if we truly have the goods — if we truly do love the Lord with all our heart, all our soul, all our strength, all our minds. I see these who believe in a pretribulation rapture filled with joy, with witness, with freedom from all earthly cares. I see them as living a standard of “holiness,” IF YOU WILL — that is more narrow than the majority of those around them.
They do not spend any time pursuing fleshly entertainments. They seek the Lord over how they should spend their money, their time. They enjoy more the spending of time with God than any other fellowship. They are prayerfully careful and depend upon the personal witness and leading of the Holy Spirit to keep them from idols, to lead them out of temptation and not see how close they can get to it.
And they are unashamed of their hope because the more closely they follow God daily, knowing that TODAY could be their last day on earth — the more bold they are finding themselves in their personal possession of this BLESSED HOPE — and the more they desire to comfort others with this truth.
No, not one of us is to argue, to strive with those who have not seen and heard what we may have seen and heard. We are to be those who are apt to teach those who truly are still of a meekness, of a teachable spirit — who want to receive the promise Zephaniah 2:3 —
Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORD’S anger.
We must humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and in meekness instruct others who oppose truths being sent to prepare and deliver them. We must not strive and argue with them, but in meekness share the words of life and blessed hope. Then, if these who we are sent to refuse to consider with humbleness of mind what we have been given to share with them? Then, we must commit the keeping of their souls to our Faithful Creator.
I truly see God’s all-loving, all-wise and ever-faithful Father’s heart sending forth the word to deliver His children from destruction (Ps. 107:20). But it is up to each individual child to respond to the Father’s Voice/Verses. 2 Thess. 2:10-13 clearly gives the reason why people are deceived — because they will not receive the love of the truth. If we refuse to humble ourselves to one another, to in meekness receive the truth God has engrafted into another brother or sister — then God hears the multitude of our thoughts within us that oppose the truth He has sent to deliver us.
Today it has become more acceptable to deny the pretribulation rapture. There are many, many who once has this hope who no longer believe this is a faithful and true promise. Some of the strongest and most vehement voices against this truth are those who once believed, but have now apostasized the faith they once possessed. That is a strong statement, I know. But if they once believed and professed this but have now repented of what they term as error and deception? They are now denying the power of God and from such, we are exhorted by God to turn away.
Turn away from pretribulation-faith robbers. Turn to God and ask that He strengthen that which is weak or weakening in you. That good that which has been committed to you can only be kept by the Holy Ghost. Not by your own intellect — but by the work of faith with power.
If we will only from a sincere heart be willing to ask God for wisdom to know the truth of His promises to us as His children, that nothing He wants for us would be hidden to us — He will open our ears to hear as the learned, and He will send instruction, teaching LIBERALLY, ABUNDANTLY.
Caleb and Joshua believed every promise of God and were of a totally different spirit than the majority of the millions of Israelites who accompanied them out of Egypt. They wholly followed the Lord. Let us know, let us press on to know the Lord, whose going forth is more certain than the dawn. He shall come, He shall come to us like the rain — like the spring rain watering the earth.
He will send us both the grace to receive, to study, to pray through the fight in our minds that warred against this promise — and then to be able to refute the lies of the enemy and bring others out of the coming fire, hating even the garments spotted with fleshly reasoning.
Seek the Lord. Seek meekness so that ye may indeed be hidden in the day of the Lord’s wrath. The 7-year period ahead is first and foremost the final display of the wrath of God that hangs over the head of every person who is outside of Christ Jesus. Those who are in Christ Jesus but who are not abiding in Him and allowing His words to abide in them — these do not have access to ask whatsoever they will and receive it, because they keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.
All things are possible to God and to those who believe. The mighty resurrection power of God that will be poured out at the time only known to God the Father — each of us alive today who is hearing and having hearts quickened to flame — each of us has time today to response, to repent and to receive the grace of faith to believe all that He has promised. But the door is closing.
To those who are indeed believing every Word revealed to them and depending upon His all-sufficient grace to be a doer of every Word — these will indeed be ready for Jesus’ soon coming in the air.
These who remain alive at this time known only to God — they will immediately be caught up after those who were chosen of God to live and suffered for their faith, even those who were burned at the stake, sawn asunder, beaten with many stripes. These who died — they all died in faith, not having received the promise of being caught up, raptured while alive on the earth.
These who died were not of the chosen generation to receive the promise of rapture. But these who died in faith will precede us who will be alive at the time of Jesus’ coming. We will not experience the wrath of God because we also are saved from the wrath of God by being in Christ Jesus, safe and secure. These who will be resurrected from their graves — they did not experience the wrath of God because they were not born out of due time to be present in this last generation, in the closing hour of history.
And so likewise shall we who are chosen to be alive at His Coming for His Church — we shall likewise escape the same period of wrath known as the Tribulation Period. And so shall we all ever be with the Lord, awaiting till all things are accomplished and the last enemy, even death — is put under His feet.
Seek the Lord while He may be found and call upon Him while He is near.
And saints of God? In the SPIRIT pray for ALL the SAINTS! That one passage is enough for me to know that indeed saints do appear in the scriptures. And as a saint, I am to lay my life and reputation down for the love of the brethren — to declare plainly what is plain to me and to pray for all the saints. Saints are those who have fully surrendered all to God and who only live to do His will. They are sanctified and are being continually sanctified, washed, cleansed, set apart by the blood of Jesus because they are walking with Him in the light as He is IN THE LIGHT.
May the very God of peace sanctify each of us wholly, in spirit, soul and body. Faithful is He that promised who also will DO IT! In these days where a multitude who profess to known Jesus deny Him by the lives they live daily ….
In these days where unbelief is called by other names such as “being reasonable” — we are called to be steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that our labor is not in vain.
So be it! Amen and Amen! Now unto Him that is able to keep us from falling and present us faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy — to the only wise God our savior — be glory and majesty, dominion and honor both now and ever — AMEN!
Is your heart burning within you?
Beware where this false pre-tribulation doctrine along with the rest of the false doctrine system of dispensationalsim leads…
Jack Van Impe teaches that Christians need not worry about taking the mark of the beast because the “rapture” happens first….–Christian-1/
Also, John Macarthur is teaching along the same lines…
Now when the “rapture” doesn’t happen and millions take the mark at their pastors advice, don’t expect God to say, “Enter into the joy of the Lord” but rather, “Depart from Me, you cursed”.