The Sounds Of Abundance Of Rain

This message from Holy Scripture is clearly prophetic. Godly saints are fasting and praying, and the best ministers of God that I know are believing and hearing from the Spirit. Our Heavenly Father is going to come down and show our world that He is God. Here is a prophetic word from Isaiah, the Statesman Prophet. No one can speak clearer in the time of political crisis than Isaiah. He declared, “Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy presence” (Isaiah 64:1). The only hope for our nation and the rest of the nations is for the true and Holy God of the Bible to step into the fray. He has done exactly that throughout history and He will do it again. The title of this sermon is “THE SOUNDS OF ABUNDANCE OF RAIN.” The hour is certainly at hand when God Himself promised an outpouring of His Holy Ghost. I believe we can expect it to begin anyday. I go to church every Sunday believing it will be the Sunday it starts. “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams” (Acts 2:17). Every great revival came in the time of desperate saints that would not give up. Also, it was a crisis similar to our world condition. The wicked get bold and arrogant and think they can eliminate God from their schemes. That’s where we are and I’m excited to see their boldness. It means God is also looking and the great saints of God will be avenged.

13 thoughts on “The Sounds Of Abundance Of Rain

  1. You are exactly right! Jesus Christ will be returning for the true believers May 21, 2011. As the last generation it is a very exciting time to be alive. Five months later on October 21, 2011 the world is going to end. All of this information is from the Bible.

    MY Friend! Date setting cannot come from the Bible. This kind of actiity always creates negatives. The devil loves to use these kinds of false statements to hinder. You destroy your own reputation. I want to be your friend but I must not allow erroneous ideas to stand.
    Pastor Joseph Chembers

  2. melvin meyers

    Some Sabbath days do come on some sundays. Good chance you will be a day late. For Jesus healed on the Sabbath 7th day because He seen His Father working. The 7day has the power for its man rest. It the begining of Adam curse being removed; Romans 8:17-27 and 1Cor.15:50-58 Beginning of Jesus 1000 year Kingdom. 7th day is a sign of who His people are. Catholic church had many true believers killed for keeping the 7th day just to change it to sunday. Jesus raised from the grave on the 7th day. If He raised from the grave sunday morning He would have had to be in the grave 4 nights. That would make Him a false messiah.

  3. Pastor Chambers,

    If a person reads and studies the word of God as we should, we would know that in Matthew 24:44, it clearly says… Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

    And we look a little further into the Gospel of Mark, it says…Mark 13:33 Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. And looking at Luke we will see it says in Chapter 21 & verse 36 …Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. And Luke 12:40 says…Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.

    Many aren’t watching for the coming of Jesus, therefore, they are going to be caught unaware. lf. When the scriptures clearly tell us that it’s in the hour we think not. And if we look at 1 Thessalonians 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. Revelation 16:15 tells you and I this…Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

    I’m hungry for Revival, it’s my daily prayer. For God told us right from His word if we hunger and thirst for Righteousness, we shall be filled.(Matt 5:6)I’m excited what Jesus Christ, the son of the Living God is about to do for those who are hungry for a mighty move of God!!

    God Bless you!

  4. Brother Joe God Bless my unmet friend. But one day we will. I agrre with all that you just said. The only thing is that I believe that people in the midst of our church today are the cause of what is holding back the Holy Spirit. I am guilty of this at times my self. And nothing breaks my heart more than when the Holy Spirit corrects it. The scriptures say that God is no partaker of sin. If that is true, and I believe it is cause the bible does not lie. Than God’s spirit can not move like he wants because he can not associate with sin. As I choke up writing this because the Holy Spirit always gets my attention when it matters most. I pray for the true strength for you, myself and the rest of the body of The Lord Yeshua.

  5. Jesus said to be ready. He didn’t specify the day when He was coming.

    I believe the spring or fall feasts of the Lord in Leviticus 23 may be associated with out Blessed Hope, but no man knows the day or hour. Keep looking up! Occupy until he comes.

  6. Hi there Pastor Joseph …South Africa ia a country where the Lord Jesus Christ is pouring out his Spirit ….as we speak today…have you ever seen 500 000 men of all ages worshipping Almight God all together in one accord….Mighty Mens Conference in Kwazulu Natal ….not onlt there but all over south africa people of South Africa are receiving Christ as their Lord and Saviour by the thousands…..The Lord is using a farmer…Angus Buchan…anyone seen Faith like potatoes…may the Lord Bless the people of Africa….South Africa now consists of many people from the rest of Africa…

  7. May 21st has come and gone and the remnant is still here…proof that “date setting” for jesus’ return is wrong. Keep looking up

  8. Bro. Gary - Wilson

    James, I am not familiar with the Bible you are reading….Please pray for God to show you that no man knoweth the hour…….

  9. Get Ready! It’s Coming….
    Rain on us O Lord!
    Let Revival Breakout Worldwide.
    In every Nation of the World.
    And bring in the Harvest.

  10. Pastor Gary J. Hall

    There still has to be at least one revival of the church before the Lord returns. The Lord Jesus said, “I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18), so if He has not come to rapture His church yet, then He must still be building it. Will the church He returns for be weak and beggarly? Will it be battered to death by Satan? The Saviour goes on to say, “and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The apostle Paul, in Ephesians 5:27, says, “That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” Therefore the rapture-ready church is the one that Satan cannot prevail against but is glorious and holy. Some say that we are living in a post-christian era. Not so! The Church will remain a force to be reckoned with until the Lord takes her away. The Gospel must be preached again under the power of the Holy Spirit or else Matthew 28:19-20 is meaningless, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” We need another outpouring of the Holy Spirit to get us back on track, but we also must be obedient to Christ by following His word. The outpouring will only be effective if both “the Spirit and the bride say, Come” (Revelation 22:17).

  11. Jerry Boone Sr

    Brother Chambers:
    Thank you for standing for the precious word of God. Would’nt it be wonderful if our Lord did return in 2011, even more wonderful if He would return today. We should be looking for him every day and living our lives as if He were coming today but we do not know the hour or day. Thank you again for your proclaiming and defending the Word of God.
    Brother Jerry

  12. G-d has said: He does nothing least HE tells us first. the last two great signs for the church is..Hate for Israel. but Genesis 12:3 tells us who is cursed. HE is the same yesterday today and forever. He also tells us the Sabbath will never change. that is where they found HIM every SAturday and even in the 1000 yr , all will come up to worship Him on the Sabbath. Sunday is the Day of the L-rd, the first day of Tribulation. one of the ten commands is to remember the Sabbath to keep it HOLY. Be HOlY as I am HOLY. Matthew 24 is the middle of the tribulatin. Paul tells the church in Romans , we need no signs, we already know..the signs are for the Jews. we are told to go into all the world and preach the gospel to the JEW FIRST. Last days signs is, Hate for Israel and the Jews, and the Apostasy in the Church..we see it all over with the lying signs and wonders but also see G-d expose them and the gov as well..When He comes, it will be to the Mt of Olive and then will bring up the dead, and give them a new heart and take away all their sins. and all Israel will be saved. I too pray for a revival , back to the way the Church was set up in Acts 2:4, not the way the world is about it. In Cor..Paul says HE would like to come back and walk up on the pastor on the pulpit and show them what real power is..We have a name it and claim it gospel that Paul refurs to as the Other Jesus. the POWER is in the Gospel that Christ gave us. We see how G-d is not obeyed, as men bow to others , call them FAther, which HE Said , call no man father but me, and pray to no one else. we either serve HIM or MOney and man never saved anyone. people are putting their faith in gold. but HE tells us they will throw it in the streets. as it won’t buy a loaf of bread in that day. I thank G-d that the Church won’t be here. I also pray America to turns it around to the truth. this world is not our home but we are to fight the good fight. not make our children walk thru the fire. IF they believed that they would obey G-d and vote in G-dly people and HOLD them accountable and follow the laws of the land. G-d tells us why do you call ME L-rd and don’t obey my Fathers commands. and later when we stand before HIM talking about our works. HE will tell them,,depart from ME you men of lawlessness..The people sit back and let evil take over..yet I see how all the disciples died for standing up..If these pastors know they will get double puishment, maybe they will be tested in the trib. none of us know the mind of G-d but one thing I consider especially high on my list is Genesis 13:3..those who don’t bless Israel is cursed, and those who have no attitude at all concerning the JEWS are cursed too. I have to ask myself, do cursed go to Heaven? or will they get a chance to obey HIM. I don’t care who can kill my body but who can kill my body and soul..they hated HIM and they will hate us true believers. It is the marrige. we are the bride. we need to submit to HIM in all things. and those who love the world, hates HIM. no one sits on the fence ,,we either hate the world or love HIM. does that mean we let evil come in and take over..NO….many muslims are being saved and willing to be beheaded for HIM.I wonder how many in the US will get up and fight the good fight..instead of getting their ears tickled.. a gospel of self..the wolves are in the church..and the people love it. it sadens my heart..and the fall feasts, G-d fulfilled the spring feasts..I believe one of the days of the feast will be the rapture, we don’t know which of the feast day or hour it will be, but those who love HIM sure know the seasons..It is time to pick up our cross..preach the gospel that ais our job, the least we can do for HIM who paid it Christ..HE doesn ‘t want one to perish. one soul is like the whole world..anyone we walk by and the HS gives us a chance to tell them..there blood will be on our hands if we don’t…soon as we all can see, we wont be able to do so..night is coming when no man can work, but praise G-d, JOY cometh in the Morning. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and lets be the best soul winners for HIM…G-d bless all of you. and if this is not added to other comments. so be it !

  13. Precious Father in Heaven, what a blessing it is to see my dear brothers and sisters in the Lord fasting and praying for Revival, for more of YOU! Oh please rend the Heavens and come down. Forgive us Lord for we have sinned against Heaven, You. Pour out Your sweet Self upon us all. Oh how we NEED Your cleansing holy Fire to purify our stoney hearts and make them alive. It’s time Lord. The Remnant is repenting and praying day and night like the Widow in Luke 18, and You will Avenge us. You will Avenge Your holy name. You, being the Father of Mercies Who does not change, will take great pity on the Body of Christ and upon the lost. It’s time to begin the Harvest. It’s time to bring in the sheaves, to harvest Home. Oh Father, use us for Your great glory. YOU ARE WORTHY!!!!
    We humbly ask this in the glorious, victorious name of our Lord Jesus, the only Redeemer, the only Messiah, the Son of the Living God! In Jesus’ holy name, amen!!!