THE SEVEN DARKEST YEARS OF HUMAN HISTORY BEGIN WHEN JESUS CHRIST SENDS FORTH FOUR JUDGMENT HORSES WITH THEIR RIDERS. These Horses and their Riders have supernatural powers to inaugurate the beginning of FINAL JUDGMENT. They are sent at other times in Scripture as judgment is manifest against rebellion and sin. The Seven Sealed Books that Jesus received from the Father is the Title Deed of this earth and God’s Divine plan to redeem it for His saints. Too many people see only TERROR when they read the Book of Revelation. The TERROR is on earth while the Saints are in the presence of our Father, the Lamb of God, the Holy Spirit, the multitudes of Angels and the Saints of all Ages. The Father and the Lamb of God will be REDEEMING the earth by the process of “GREAT JUDGMENT”. These Four Horses and their Riders are only the beginning, but it is sheer calamity. It get worse as it proceeds. The White Horse represents great deception. The ONE WORLD CHURCH will set out immediately to end all religious activity that is not worshiping the False Jesus. That False Jesus Is being exalted all over the Church World right now. One of the greatest deceptions of all Church History is the false teaching of a “BORN AGAIN JESUS”. Jesus said, “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” (Matthew 24:5) They call him Jesus but He has no likeness to the Jesus in the Holy Bible. The second Horse is Red and he fills the earth with violence, the third Horse is Black and FAMINE stalks the world. The Fourth Horse is Pale and Death and Hell is his name. There can be no guestion if we take the Bible literal that this is the start of The Seven Years Of The Great Tribulation”. Do not believe that there will be three and one half years of relative peace. That make some people feel they will have that period to prepare themselves.

THE MASTERPIECE” is our book opening the Book Of Revelation for you to understand. You can order by clicking on the church picture at the top of this SALTY SAINTS and then click on the link beneath the picture of the book itself. If you like, call 1 800 338 7884 or E-mail

11 thoughts on “THE GREAT TRIBULATION BEGINS WITH CALAMITY, An Indescribable Storm

  1. Hello Pastor Joseph.

    I, too, believe that the Tribulation is ushered in with the arrival of the four horses and their riders. The first, the rider of the white horse, is, I believe, the Antichrist himself. Note that he appears AFTER Revelation 4, which many interpret (and I believe this is correct) as showing the Rapture of the Church, something that agrees completely with Paul’s words in 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12.

    Notice also this first rider is on a white horse – which appears to be a counterfeit of what the real Messiah Jesus will do in Revelation 19:1, a common tactic of the devil and his followers to appear as an angel of light and servants of righteousness respectively (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).

    He has a bow, but no arrows are mentioned. Does this mean he initally appears as a peacemaker? I think that is possible. Consider this: How would the world react today to someone who showed up to confirm and get under way a viable Middle East Peace plan and solutions to our many problems? I believe this is exactly the means that the Antichrist will use to come to power.

    But we also see he is given a crown and the authority to conquer, which indicates that when he can’t accomplish what he wants diplomatically, he will turn to force ultimately bringing upon our planet the worst war of all that will occur at Armageddon.

    The three horses and riders that follow the appearing of the Antichrist are a direct result of his activities as he brings bloodshed, famine, and wholesale death upon the Earth.

    Thank God that the true church will be gone before this terrible time.

  2. The “tribulation” mentioned in Revelation chapter 13 is
    42 months (i.e. 3-1/2 years, otherwise referred to as
    “a time, two times, and half a time”) — NOT SEVEN YEARS.

  3. The initial calamity with the departure of the Saints to Heaven in Revelation 4 will also be indescribable. The world will instantly be thrown into chaos. Out of this, one will arise and will do all but declare “peace be still”. Then he will get Israel and their Muslim enemies to sign the peace agreement of Daniel 9:27. As the Man of Sin, he will be the white horse rider described in Chapter 6 – a warrior with a bow but no arrows, gaining peace by flattery. Pray for many sould to come to Jesus before this awful time.

  4. Peace peace, When there is no peace, We hear a lot of that right now, everyone that
    has ask the LORD JESUS to save them, GOD does that for them, GOD calls preachers some
    are on fire for the LORD, Some dont do that good, everything is by degrees, some
    people dont menton the LORD to hardly anyone, Others talk a lot about the LORD to their
    loveones, Others dont. If you are saved, You should have CHRIST on your mind most of the
    time, If you dont you are out of your mind, GOD is watching, He will remember every
    idle word we say, It’s a little scarey, The Illuminati is trying to do that very thing
    They will be very good at that, If you cant see that comming, You are messed up
    Lets get up in the clowds folks

  5. I have always wondered about the phases of the Tribulation. We know that Daniel’s 70th week
    is a 7 literal year time period and it is divided into two parts – 3 1/2 years each. The
    opening of the 7 Seal Book seems to be a general overview of the entire period. If we are
    correct in believing that the Antichrist will come as a peacemaker which the world cries for
    today, it would seem then that it will take a period of time for him to accomplish this via
    poltical negotiations with the countries of the world. That then would place the First Seal
    encompassing most of the first part of the Trib. The Second Seal would then speak of when he
    declares himself as God and worthy to be worshipped and sits on the thone demanding worship.
    The 3rd and 4th seals provide an overview of how he changes colors and his true indetity is
    made known. Of course, the 5th Seal are the martyred souls under the altar. We know these
    to be those who are slain apparently during his rise to power in the first 3 1/2 years. It is not until the opening of the 6th Seal that we see the move from Heaven when God says, O.K. it’s MY TIME and God’s judgment begins to fall. The 7th Seal when opened issues in the swift judgment of God via the trumpets and vials. Let me know your thoughts.



    Trumpets and the Vials.

  6. What do you mean about a false doctrine about Born Again Jesus? I live in Alaska and don’t hear a lot of stuff from outside, “lower 48”. Just wondering what the false doctrine might be since you cannot remove “born again” and “Jesus” from the same sentence without destroying the new birth. They are inseparable. You cannot have one without the other. If you think that Jesus was not “born again” you are an unlearned and educated fool. Jesus was the first born. If he wasn’t born again and paved the way for me, then I have no hope. I must follow His example. He paved the way and paid the price for me to be like him. I am just waiting for my new glorified body, so I can travel and converse with him literally face to face.

    Dear Hoss,

    One of the false doctrines that has been big with many Charismatics is that Jesus has to go to hell utterly defeated by the Devil. But in Hell he experiencec being “BORN AGAIN” and then defeats Satan instead. That is a total lie. JESUS was God from eternity. He never sinned and He sure did not need to be “BORN AGAIN”. HE was without sin. We can be “BORN AGAIN” because His sinless sacrifice redeems the repentant sinner. Hoss, you need to be careful who you call a fool!

    Pastor Chambers

  7. Dear Pastor Chambers,
    Please keep in mind that after the Antichrist’s fake peace push in the beginning of Revelation chapter 6 (because he has a bow but no arrows), the rider on the red horse in Rev. 6:4 “takes peace from the earth”. You can’t take peace from the earth if there is no peace to begin with so there must be at least a short period of peace in place (although a fake one) in order for peace to be taken from the earth by the rider on the red horse.
    Regardless of this however, is the fact that we aren’t here ! Praise God !

  8. I really enjoyed this broadcast. The southern accent is awesome. I do understand you’re mid 70’s and this piece really made my day. A few parts were funny (Not scarcastic way) but in a way I was joyed and it beamed in the office and people I encountered. I’ll add this to my favorites. God Bless!

  9. Dear Pastor,

    Many forget that Satan and the Fallen Angels are cast down to earth and woe to those inhabitants!
    For he knows his time is short. He missed 8 of us last time, fortunately they got on the boat!

    Those who call upon the name of the Lord Jesus shall be saved.

    Amen Pastor; there is no in between. its not time to play hunches, if we want to know God then we are to be still! Fill our Lamps Jesus, i pray…

    God Bless

  10. Pastor Chambers, I look forward to your posts and glean off of everyone of them and eagerly wait for the next one. For the most part, I agree with everything you say because I also search the scriptures daily as do the Berians. I fully believe we are just about there for the fullfillment of the end times. My heart breaks when I see so many called by His name that are not watching and praying, but merely eating, drinking, marrying and doing business as usual. When I talk to them about the urgency of the time, they look at me disgustingly and say, “no one knows the day or the hour” and He will come as a thief in the night. Those two phrases tell me that they do not really know the Lord or the scriptures. But when you or anyone else starts throwing rocks at fellow believers for things that “you” think are false doctrines, it really bothers me. Is it possible that you are without falt and all knowing and are the only one that is right. If someone doesn’t believe just as you do, that immediately makes them false prophets or have false doctrines. I guess with that rational, that could be a false doctrine. I realize we are in the last days and the false doctrines and false prophets and false christs are coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches. And yes, the false needs to be pointed out discreetly. But we need to remember that the word does teach us about the principle of sowing and reaping. The churches and believers that I fellowship with don’t even talk about the stuff that you talk and I talk about and know to be vital information that needs to be spoken. They are afraid of being wrong and offending someone. I often offend many, not because I want to, or try to, but because I try to get them to wake up and trim their lamps. Shalom! Hoss, assistant to The KING.