Deliverance From the Dark Sins of Sodomy
America is awash in the sins of abomination and moral compromise that breeds the sodomy lifestyle. When a Nation or culture becomes sodomite it belongs to the devil.
This moral jungle that follows the loss of family values and the fear of God will always end in destruction. To teach children in the early development that all choices of morality are equal is plain insanity. Our children are our most prized citizens and to train them in a setting without values and morals is foolishness of the highest order. Boys must be taught to be boys and girls to be girls. Anything less is laying the foundation for sodomy. I believe there is close to a 50 percent chance that any child raised with a public education may well become a homosexual or lesbian.
The foundation values of Christianity are clearly the most powerful values in the world. America has been so rooted in these values until the last 30 to 40 years that our nation has been the envy of the world. Our borders are the only borders in the world that must constantly be controlled from within. Other cultures have to control the exodus of its citizens and we the entrance. Our past values of freedom and responsibility has been the mainstay. Nothing in the world, no immoral action, can compare with the degradation of sodomy. It literally destroys the balance of sensibility.
Have you noticed that the gay lifestyle has moved past homosexuality downward to lesbianism, transvestites, animal sex, bondage sex and is still descending into the darkness. Now I know that some of you who support this descent into the utter depth are turned off by my words. I do not blame you, I am turned off also. It’s gutter language and it both makes me sick and breaks my heart. God did not create this mess.
Nothing is so unfair to a homosexual man or lesbian woman than to say to them, “You were made that way.” To suggest such is to remove all hope of change. The average lifespan of a male homosexual, if he does not contract AIDS, is 43 years. If he does, that is reduced to 39. (Family Research Institute.) Does the Heavenly Father purposely create a class of individuals with that kind of reduced life expectancy? To teach such is to breed despair and gloom, and to suggest that homosexuals and lesbians are second-class citizens.
The Truth is that gay individuals are created with the same intrinsic values as all of God’s creation. They are neither better nor worse. Equality is one of our Father’s attributes. To have respect of persons is called sin. The Bible says that such a person is a transgressor of the Law. There is no sin that will reduce you to a midget personality more than prejudice.
Since God made us all and made us equal, we all possess the same capacity. We are capable of many creative and beautiful things. Our hands can make a lovely object or write a life-changing poem. We can create works of art or magnificent buildings. The human brain is a wonder of wonders and reigns over a body of many dreams, visions, and skills.
Nothing in this wealth of abilities quite compares with the possession of pro-creation. We can join the God of Eternity who made all things to enjoy by creating a life in our own image as He did the first man. Our sons and daughters actually bear the genes of our physical person. We create new life in partnership with Almighty God. To suggest that He made a class of people whose sexual design lacks this ultimate motive is to reduce those individuals to less than full expressions of God’s creative ingeniousness. God is not unfair to anyone.
Jesus Can Make All Men Whole! The message of the Holy Bible is one of Hope for all. Every man has sinned and come short of the glory of God. There are no men or women who can reflect the image of God unless their life is changed by the redeeming power of Jesus’ blood. Every human on this earth must meet at the same place beneath His cross. There are no celebrities in the real church of Jesus Christ. The person who thinks he’s better than the homosexual is only fooling himself.
We all need the wholeness in Jesus Christ and we can all have that wholeness or holiness. Jesus said to a very religious man named Nicodemus, “Ye must be born again.” (St. John 3:7b) Many great scholars have tried to explain or grasp the greatness of this statement. All have failed. It’s unexplainable! You can only experience this great spiritual reality. It is to be made a brand new creature by a supernatural act of Divine grace. The effect is the same in every life. The person is transformed. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.” (II Corinthians 5:17)
It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about a prostitute, liar, drunkard, adulterer, fornicator, homosexual, or simply a good moral person. The grace of God has the same effect on every individual. The experience of this mercy from God will occur in different fashion and a different time schedule, but the same God loves and grants mercy to all men equally.
Hope For The Homosexual! Every homosexual man, lesbian or transgender man or woman can be completely changed and made whole by Jesus Christ. There are three simple things you must do. Remember, these are the same things everyone else must also do. Again, you are no different. (I’m writing this in the singular as directed to you.)
First: You must confess to God the Father that you are a sinner. You cannot blame your sinful state on someone else regardless of how much they may have furthered your problem. Many of you were molested by an older person or betrayed by someone who befriended you. Don’t blame anyone any longer but come to God confessing your personal failures and sins. Leave everyone else to answer for themselves. “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) This means all.
The best therapy an individual can receive is to come clean with themselves and God. Quit hiding behind excuses and finger pointing. To come clean with yourself and God is a lot like what your homosexual friends call, “Coming out of the closet.” The difference here is that you want to be free, not bound, in that lifestyle any longer. God wants you out of the closet and out of bondage to a destructive immorality.
Second: Repent of every sinful act in which you have participated. To repent means to be sorry for that act and to turn from all future involvement in the same. Repentance is the result of a person who looks at their sins and becomes repulsed by them. It means you are sick of them and truly ready to go no more into the dens where they are practiced.
Jesus’ first message was very simple. “Repent, the kingdom of God is at hand.” The Biblical church in the New Testament was made up of all kinds of people who had repented (turned around) and experienced His washing. “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.” (1 Corinthians 6:11)
Third: Believe in the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ and accept that cleansing blood in your life. The old hymn still has the right message, “What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.” Jesus didn’t come to condemn you. He came to save you. You alone can condemn yourself, and you do it by continuing in the same course of unclean living.
The Blood of Jesus is the most powerful spiritual power known to man. When you confess you are a sinner, turn from your sins, and cast yourself in His purifying blood, you will be made a new creature. It may be hard to believe such an incredible thing, but the Bible and church history are full of evidence. This writer was a foul, unclean creature until Jesus made me whole. I have known thousands of others who had a similar encounter with Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit said, “If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:6-9) There is no depth of sin the Holy Ghost cannot lift you out of.
If you cannot do the three things above because you have no heart for doing them, then please do one thing as you consider the other three. Read the book of St. John on your knees at least three times. Pray one prayer as you honestly and carefully read this book. Pray, “Let me see that Jesus that John wrote about.” Don’t look for a vision or a picture, but look for a Biblical inspiration of the Jesus who lives in the Scripture. As you see Him you will then be able to do these three things absolutely necessary to being made whole. Jesus, as you see Him in the Scripture, will convince you to surrender yourself to Him.
There is hope for you to be whole! When you get to heaven we will be neither male nor female. Sex is an intimacy of the earthly family unknown in the Heavenlies. Spiritual intimacy in our future hope is on such a Godlike level as to forever remove all desire or design for the experience we call sex. We will exist on a plane of such glorious fulfillment that earthly things will pass away. It will be a shame if anyone places physical satisfaction so important that they miss the Heavenly Hope of our future reward.
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Dear Pastor
Your word are truthfull
We are born in a fallen state and we cannot help ourselves, we try to do things right, yet we may be on the wrong road. only Jesus gives us the lamp to our feet, we must follow him.
Read, believe and follow your King James 1611 bible.
Stay away from sex its a steep dive into the pit of despair!
Stay away from churches that are accepting, you may not realize the devil is at home there!
Pastor Chambers has shouted! Isaiah 58:1 Go and warn my people, we need Pastors to warn us!
God Bless
Dear Pastor Chambers:
You are so exactly right.
I so desire to go to a good ole Godly church today but none exists.
I am 84 and they don’t want us oldiesin their churches.. I have to “pick and choose” on what comes on TBN TV,,, and certainly not much on there these days.
I will NAME to you the ones I used to TRY to watch because many were.. I have hesitated to name names but I am thinking we should where we can.
1. Jesse Duplantis TELLS exactly who he is on everyone of his shows and they are shows….he loves to say this “Jessie is RICH”….or Jessie lov’Jesus. The man needs prayer badly..
2. Osteens. are very attractive young couple and are billionares,,,, when he preaches he preaches ”positive thinking” and will tells jokes and I have TRIED to watch him….he forgets he is to PREACH Jesus Christ…NOT himself…but at the very end he MAY mention God or Jesus,, may..that is…. I believe they THINK they have the ‘message’ and people pile in there every time the doors are open…Many of us are mystified as to why?!
3. When the very weathy Copelands come on IHAVE to turn my TV off.
I have my own Holy Ghost sessions nearly daily………. I AM 84 and I DO indeed long to go Home to be with Jesus Christ and my passed loved ones…. I hang on every day with the JOY JOY deep down in my heart…..I have no ills and take no meds…noy even Tylenol…… I think I have to get something to die with.
I praise the Lord Jesus EVERY day…………ita my pleasure….
IF you are having a blue or depressed day and you will…just start singing this song and Satan will take the “blues’ out the window….he won’t even go out the door…
This election did NOTHING… there is no telling WHAT this white house will DO in the two years left to it? Much danger is forthcoming…
Praise the Lord, Pastor, I do have Holy Ghost telling me many things……..HE gives us a good picture through His discernment…. so wonderful….most that you heara on TV news is lies…
and half truths…
How can this president stand there and blantly LIE after LIE and few even catch it……WHY would this man do THIS?
I am afraid the rapture won’t come soon enough…….I have children and grandchildren…. I fear for them in this evil world.
Blessings and Safety in the Lord.