One World Religion Formed in Jerusalem

There are three major "one God" religions in the world: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. They all claim the same roots and that is Abraham. Christianity is definitely based on the foundation of Judaism as fulfilled in Jesus Christ and has a new covenant through the blood of Calvary. Judaism continues in the same manner as before in many ways. Islam claims Abraham as a base for this religion and a visit by an angel to Islam founder, Mohammad.

In Jerusalem all three religions are vying for space. Their history and love is based and bound securely to this great city. All three think they have all the truth and are the true religion. Yet, many people are calling for peace between the three. A sign that calls for the three to co-exist is placed at an art exhibit in Jerusalem that is designed to foster the peace process. The sign is spelled "Coexist." The "C" is a quarter moon; the "X" is the Star of David; the "T" is the cross of Calvary.

Is this merger possible? Such a joint religion would encompass over one-half of the world! What is in the way of such a merger? Could this actually happen in Jerusalem?

A recent conference dedicated to bridging these gaps within the "Big Three" was held in Palmero, Italy. This is obvious Catholic territory, and Catholicism "claims" to be Christian and the main force of Christianity. Representatives of all three were there. Many of the attendees left the conference believing the merger was possible. Three main leaders in their colorful robes lit a candle together in the closing ceremony. There was much emotion and it was said to be very spiritual (No doubt!).

The Muslims consider Jerusalem a secondary holy place. Their Abrahamic roots tie them to Jerusalem where Abraham almost sacrificed Ishmael (Koran). The Jews have numerous reasons for desiring Jerusalem. The Christians have both the Jewish reasons and the life of Christ that was centered there, along with the early church base of operations. The Islamic disgust with the Jews and Christians would add to their reasons. You can see that Jerusalem (House of peace) could be a catalyst for a merger! Mohammad ascended to Heaven from here, Jesus ascended from here, and the Messiah is coming here to the Jews.

Some things are in the way of such an event or plan. Radical Islamic forces have too much hate to give peace and unity a chance; yet, their actions actually push toward a merger for the sake of rest and freedom from killing sprees. The Orthodox Jew does not want to divide or give away anything to anyone from another religion. The conservative Christian knows the "end of the Book" and will not be involved in such joint, ecumenical efforts. Of course, the merger could happen in spite of these three problems. It looks like the conservative Christian and Orthodox Jew needs to be out of the way.

Many Christian groups have been conducting worship that is much like Old Covenant Davidic worship. It seems that a central place for a merger could be based upon the Old Covenant laws and mannerisms, which each group looks back to and in which Judaism still resides. Christianity has forgotten the "real Jesus" and has forsaken Him for a weak, false replacement. Islam is trying to convince the world that a whoremonger and murderer was a man so great that God would send Gabriel to talk to him. Our common Old Testament (covenant) roots could easily be the theological catalyst for a merger. Jerusalem could well be the location catalyst for the same.

Scripture clearly indicates some type of worldwide religion that most people will adhere to and maybe join. It doesn’t seem possible for a brand new type of religion to replace all three major religions. Some central theme or desire must come to light. Much progress towards peace would result. Radical Islam could not kill their new "brother." Liberal, false, or Catholic Christianity would "love" everyone. Jews are desperate for peace and safety (sic). They would all follow a man from the same Abrahamic area that could arrange such a merger.

This "Holy Land" is the focal point of all future prophecy for the rapture ready believer. We can see the end nearing. Be sure to look up! Our redemption is drawing nigh! Be careful to stress the New Covenant in your life. Don’t get involved in worship that relies on Old Covenant foundations. Don’t fall from grace by going back to an adherence of the law. Let God write His laws on your heart. Make Jesus the center of every hour of every day. Watch and pray that you will be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass.

Jerusalem – house of peace? The closer peace gets, the closer my flight time approaches!