THE CHURCH IS MOSTLY IN THE DEVILS POCKET AND HE IS DETERMINED THAT THIS WORLD DOES NOT LEARN THE TRUTH ABOUT HIS ANTICHRIST. Satan’s purpose is to fool the church and the world about this beastly man that he is very close to revealing. The “Emergent Churches” are foolish enough to completely ignore “Bible Prophecy”. They hate Fundamental truths and are damning their mega-flocks of people. By keeping them illiterate of the Book of Revelation and the coming rapture with judgment to follow, these big time preachers are in the drivers seat. A First Testament Prophet called them, “DUMB DOGS, THAT CANNOT BARK; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.” (Isaiah 56:10)

Apostle John saw this Antichrist actually rise from the Mediterranean Sea so no one could doubt his actual existence or his Middle Eastern origin. “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” (Revelation 13:1) The blasphemy coming from the Antichrist’s mouth will be unbearable. This will not be the blasphemy of the ugly, but the blasphemy of the distorted beautiful. The entire religious world is already glorying in statues, icons, and art forms of different expressions. The choreographed dance is one of the church world’s darkest deceptions. Statues that are proclaimed as anointed, especially where grace is reportedly connected, have already been accepted in Charismatic circles. Millions follow apparitions of Mary. Some writers are describing visions and dreams of incredible creatures and experiences. All kinds of extra Biblical occurrences are preparing the way for religious blasphemy. To assign anything to God that is clearly occultic is blasphemy. To claim to be God is the worst form of blasphemy. To imitate the Son of God is a dark hideous form of blasphemy.

This Beastly Assyrian Antichrist will be the most vicious man that has ever been known. His lineage from the Assyrians could not be more fitting. They were evil and they enjoyed being evil. They treated their enemies or captives in the vilest fashion that our human imagination could think. The ruins of their ancient palaces are filled with grotesque carvings in stone as a testimony to the evil ingeniousness of their character. They were in life and in battle a foretaste of what the Antichrist will be as the final dictator for Satan. The prophets have made it clear that the Antichrist will be an Assyrian. He is so real that the world will worship him. “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” (Revelation 13:8)

Prophet Isaiah spoke of this future beast that attacked and destroyed the Northern kingdom of Israel. “O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation. I will send him against an hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.” (Isaiah 10:5-6). Then, Isaiah gave another part of the prophecy that is yet to be fulfilled. “That I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders.” (Isaiah 14:25). This has never been fulfilled, so we know it is about the future Antichrist. He spoke of this Assyrian in clear end time chronology to leave no doubt as to His meaning. “And the LORD shall cause his glorious voice to be heard, and shall shew the lighting down of his arm, with the indignation of his anger, and with the flame of a devouring fire, with scattering, and tempest, and hailstones. For through the voice of the LORD shall the Assyrian be beaten down, which smote with a rod.” (Isaiah 30:30-31). The final Antichrist of this thirteenth chapter must be that Assyrian. Even Micah spoke of his death in the gate of Nimrod, which is none other than Ancient Babylon being revisited at this very hour.

To add to the prophetic miracles that are occurring all over the world this Assyrian beast represents an unspeakable mystery that can finally be understood. Except for a few historians and the people of Assyrian lineage, nobody in prophetic literature even considered that there were Assyrian people alive right up to this very time in history. Almost as mysterious as the Jews, but completely off the radar, the Assyrians as a distinct people have survived the centuries with clear unmistakable identity. Living mostly in their own conclaves, they have survived great odds to now surface in Northern Iraq and other nations where they have fled. For them to presently be involved in uniting their own culture and to be a voice in the new Iraq government cannot be less than perfect planning on the part of our Creator.

There are very distinct, positive plans for the future of the Assyrians in the Bible. Indeed they will produce the Antichrist, but this should not and does not indict the present Assyrian people as bad themselves. The Antichrist must arise from a culture and a people that pledge allegiance to the God of the Bible which the Assyrians do and have done since the day of Jesus Christ. Daniel said, “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.” (Daniel 11:37). But, a much greater future awaits this ancient culture. During the Millennium, there will only be three nations in the Middle East. Assyria will be one of them. This would suggest that at some point the Northern part of Iraq and Iran, may be much of the Southern part of Turkey, Syria, and at least part of Jordan, will be the Assyrian nation. “In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land.” (Isaiah 19:24).

Much bigger and broader than the ancient lineage is the connection of the coming Antichrist to Satan. He will be the slickest masquerader ever produced by Lucifer. The making of this evil character has been centuries in Satan’s planning. He is not a flash in the pan but a well prepared imitation. He will have a partner in the False Prophet that will probably imitate all the works of the Holy Spirit. He should be called the false anointing. Under Satan’s tutorage, these two personalities will finalize a “one world religion” that cleverly unites all religions together.

The Middle East is clearly the geographical center of the rising Antichrist. The United Nations of Europe will slowly connect with the Middle East as the revived Roman Empire regains its footing in the needed order. Iraq had to become a democracy in its own unique style because the Antichrist will begin by flatteries, not by military powers, “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries:” (Daniel 11:32a). The Antichrist, as an Assyrian by nationality, will be connected to the ancient city of Babylon and that nation. Rising out of the sea as he appears certainly ties him closely to the Mediterranean Sea and the political powers within its vicinity. He quickly unites the political powers and becomes the leader of the emerging Roman Empire, but especially its ancient Eastern wing. His rise to power and his coalition of political partners will be blasphemous in nature and will bear a decidedly anti-Israel and Antichrist tone

Satan especially blasphemes everything that is heavenly about God, the Father. When the Father and the Lamb sent angels to cast him out of the midair, he lost all ability to travel in the stratosphere of God’s domain. Notice that he blasphemes God, His name, His heavenly tabernacle, and those that dwell in heaven. He certainly hates the Father because he is now forbidden to appear in His presence. He is the Sovereign God, and Satan has sought to replace God with himself. He has totally failed and nothing but hatred can now find expression in his disappointed heart. The tabernacle of God is the grandest location in the entire universal system. It is glorious, even beyond words. Paul saw it and was left speechless. Satan has visited it at every opportunity the Father allowed, but now it can only be a distant dream to Satan; and he blasphemes it with vileness. He blasphemes everyone that dwells in this matchless place.

“Here is wisdom … it is the number of a man.” (Revelation 13:18) Nothing reveals the Antichrist better than this statement. Unbridled flesh, the raw appetite of the adamic nature, and the wildest possible life of sin is what the “mark” of the Antichrist will represent. The land will be full of pedophiles, animalistic sexual exploits, sado-masochism, and deeper and deeper vileness will continue until human flesh is worse than the worst beast. It will all be manifest with complete religious acceptance. To take the mark will be like becoming a human animal. The Antichrist and the false prophet will give the devil his masterpiece of deception. Satan knows he has but a short time, so it will be an all out war. When this deception is complete, it will then turn on its head and God will expose and judge. Satan always over plays his hand. He is an idiot god and will finally be cast into the bottomless pit but destined for the Lake of Fire. His two beasts will go directly to the Lake of Fire at the end of the seven years that Jesus called,”The Great Tribulation.”

A NEW SERIES ON OPEN BIBLE DIALOGUE ENTITLED, “IT”S TIME TO START SHOUTING, BEHOLD THE BRIDEGROOM COMETH” begin one week ago. First Broadcast is in the Archives. There is no subject more exciting than getting ready for eternity as the “Bride Of Christ”. Multitudes will inherit the New Heaven and The New Earth but the Bride of Christ will inherit New Jerusalem. You can now follow us by Radio, Internet, the printed page or on Twitter. We are going to have a shouting good time during the next few weeks with this great subject. Our partnership family is growing and you can be a part. Every Rapture Ready Believer must have a church and we will be your church if there is no Bible believing church near you. Call for our weekly gifts at 1 800 391 0588 0r local at 704 391 0588. E-mail us at .


  1. Beautiful article! What a time period that will be, the Deception that will be in place. We will be watching from above, brother Chambers! Amen!

  2. Deception. it is all around. It started when people started questioning the KJV bible. Then the scholars union in most major bible colleges where God’s word was being challenged. Then TBN helped out with all the crazy stuff at those pentacostal churches. Next, toinges without translations. Then, women pastors.

  3. “My people are destroyed for lack on knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing that thou has forgotten the law of they God; I will also forget thy children.” Hosea 4:6

    Sound familiar?

    It should because the situation with ancient Israel is exactly the situation with the modern church today. We have blind guides leading the blind with clergy either dismissive of what the Bible teaches or else willingly ignorant of it along with those in their charge too apathetic to pick up a Bible for themselves to see if what is being espoused from the pulpits is the truth or a lie.

    Satan is capitalizing on this ignorance and will continue to do so even after his thousand-year incarceration at the end of the Tribulation.

    You know, this may sound cold, but I’m having trouble feeling much sympathy for those who have had every opportunity to learn the truth from Scripture but made virtually no effort to do so.

    When the Antichrist does emerge on the world stage, all these lukewarm Christians and outright rejectors of the biblical Jesus will be getting EXACTLY the kind of leader they deserve.

  4. Dear Pastor Chambers,
    Very timely and interesting. However, according to the book of Daniel (9:26) the Antichrist will be a roman who will arise out of the old roman culture and people, phase II of the roman empire or European Union. Daniel 9:26 says this futurte ruler will arise out of the people that destroyed the Temple in 70 A.D.. That order was given under Titus and his 10th legion (the roman government).
    So its unmistakably clear who and where this future Antichrist will come from.
    I believe we’ll soon find out. One thing is for sure; the mentality of this world is perfectly prepared to accept this person as soon as he emerges. Israel as well. I think your article makes that clear. May our exit be soon oh Lord !

  5. Brother Joseph, I could go into great details with what I am about to say, but I will try and keep it as short as I can but very pointed. For a very long time now I have given a great deal of thought about the “sound of a trumpet”, were the Body of Christ and the tribulation period are concerned.

    Here are some of my studies and thoughts

    Matthew 24 v 31 a trumpet sounds,(immediately after the tribulation)
    1 Corinthians 15 v 52 the last trump of a trumpet.
    1 Thessalonians 4 v 16 the trump of God.
    Revelation from chapter 8 through 11, the seven trumpets sounding.

    Who are these scriptures referring to?

    Jesus is teaching the Jews, Paul is teaching the Gentiles, Revelation is referring to the earth plus.

    The removal of the Body of Christ is not found in the seven trumpets. So, which trumpet sounds?

    Who are they that come through great tribulation and wash their robes in the Blood of The Lamb? Rev v 14, Who are they that the whore is drunk on their blood? Rev 17 v 6.

    Do we know with out a doubt that The Body of Christ does not go through the tribulation period?

  6. Pastor Mike Taylor

    Ed Wood said:
    “You know, this may sound cold, but I’m having trouble feeling much sympathy for those who have had every opportunity to learn the truth from Scripture but made virtually no effort to do so.”

    God is not willing that anyone should perish, but He will not force anyone to believe in the Only Way to be reconciled to Him. The world, all of it, has heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They have rejected it and drank the Kool-Aid of apostasy. God will have no mercy when He passes judgment on the final population that revels in sin and wickedness. He is a just God and will pronounce judgment when they are beyond hope. Sympathy will not be in our vocabulary when this judgment is passed upon a disbelieving world. Judgment and righteousness will be enforced and we will be partakers of it.

  7. Brother Joseph, Ariel Sharon has an adviser by the name of Nimrod Novic who is also known as the Assyrian, no I’m not saying that Nimrod will be the a-c but many say that he’d be very fitting! Great post, do believe we’ll be hearing the ‘holler’ very very soon, what a Glorious Day it will be, first thing I want to do is give Him a bear hug and a humble thank You!

    God bless you,
    He loves you,
    so do we!