John Hagee: Denying Jesus Christ As The Jewish Messiah

There is nothing you can say or do to a Jewish person more dark or damaging that to tell him Jesus did not die for his sins. Over and over the Lord Jesus was identified as the Anointed or the Messiah. A women at the well in Samaria said to Jesus, “I know that Messias cometh which is called Christ: when He is Come, He will tell us all things.Jesus saith unto her, ‘I that speak unto thee am He’.” ( St. John 4:25-26) That’s the final word.John Hagee denies that the Jewish people were guilty of being part of crucifying the Son Of God. Apostle Peter was a Believing Jew and he said. “Ye men of Israel….ye have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain..” (Acts 2: 22-24) Today our and their God is bringing the Jews Home to their promise land and their greatest days will be after the Rapture and the Seven Years of the Great Tribulation. E-mail with guestions or comments for next Saturday.Repond to

One thought on “John Hagee: Denying Jesus Christ As The Jewish Messiah

  1. Paula Rice-Briggs

    Pastor Chambers Ministries :I have a guestion that is bugging me today. What are the two main
    laws in the bible that we are governed by.