PRESIDENT OBAMA MAY NOT RESPECT THE NATION OF ISRAEL BUT GOD DOES! The Bible is full of great promises for the future of HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE. They gave us the STORY of creation and their Scribes preserved it perfectly. They gave us JESUS CHRIST by a Jewish virgin and JEWISH men were His Apostles. Very soon Jerusalem will become the Capitol of the world and the throne of David will be occupied by the grandest descendant of his Dynasty. This Capitol city will be expended to reach from the coast of the Mediterranean Sea to the shores of the Dead Sea. The Salt sea will be healed by the fresh waters flowing from the Mount of Olives. Jerusalem will become the garden city with the wealth of the world. BUT SOMETHING TERRIBLE! must occur before this glorious period of a THOUSAND YEARS of CHRIST’S REIGN on earth. The Bible calls it. “JACOB’S TROUBLE.” Jeremiah was God’s Prophet to announce this dark event. “Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.” (Jeremiah 30:7) Thank God that He gave this prophet the full picture.of hope in the end. It’s scary to see what our great God is going to do to nations that have turned on Israel. Our NATION (WE CITIZENS THAT VOTE) OF AMERICA must stop those in our Government that would forget to stand with the “Jewish people”. Along with freedom to worship by our own conscience, we were raised up as a free people to defend and stand with GOD’S CHOSEN family. The time has come that Israel may not need us but we sure do need them. LISTEN! “For I am with thee, saith the LORD, to save thee: though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee: but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee altogether unpunished.” (Jeremiah 30:11) We need to fear and pray for America as will as Jerusalem!!!!

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  1. How can you support a nation that rejects Christ, blasphemes Him whenever possible, and kills innocent civilians in the Name of God?
    Sincerely in the Lord Jesus,

  2. please remember pastor chambers jews are lost in sin and need to bow
    to the lord jesus christ as there saviour or thay will perish in hell.
    the evangelical church today believe jews do not need to be born again
    they are under the abrahamic covenant which is a lie from satan.
    please remember the chosen are the elect of god the born again blood washed


  3. Thank you Brother, for all this information.We know that the lord is coming and we see how He is at is working, also to fulfill hie proficies with Israël.
    May the Lord bless you abundantly.
    Greetings from the Netherlands.
    Cees van Rems

  4. Pastor Chambers:

    Will Israel continue as God’s chosen people throughout eternity or will Gentiles have equality as such? Or, will we even be able to differentiate between Jew and Gentile there?
    I know there will be a status based on our good works (or rewards), but was not sure of the former. question. Thanks

  5. How wonderfully refreshing to see Biblical Truth spoken concerning the Chosen People, Israel. The Christian Church has been full of anti-semitic Replacement Theology for centuries, but some Believers are now beginning to realize that Christians have not replaced Israel, but rather, have been grafted into the natural olive tree, which is Israel. Our Messiah was and is a Jew, and will return to reign and rule from Jerusalem as a Jew! Praise be to Abba, Father! May America stand with Israel!

  6. Dear Pastor,

    It is good to see your support for Israel, for your blessing of Israel you also shall be blessed.

    We are grafted into a living tree made up of of living Jews, that is why i feel love for them, as i do other Christians.

    God Bless

  7. Lawrence Prabhakar Williams

    Pastor Joseph, what an exhilarating moment that would be. One small typo change, it should read as BUT God does and not what is mentioned as BUY God does

    Maranatha !


  8. Yohan John Kunnenkeril

    Tony, Charles and Jim ! How can you voice such opinions ? Do you not have any fear to speak against the elect of the Lord ? Unwise, very unwise. However I would like to join your lot !! The Lord keeps nudging us all to repent, but some just do not. “They” give us the the story of Creation, OT and what not, including the “Holy”Land- Tourism while they themselves only laugh all the way to the bank, pointedly rejecting Him. He will not reject them. however may be if people like us stop condoning all that they are doing and not doing, they may look to the One whom they have been rejecting.

  9. “Do not be deceived: Elohim cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows,”
    Galatians 6:7
    For many years Bible commentators have somehow blamed Father YHWH for Pharaoh’s obstinate heart and actions. They teach that YHWH had violated Pharaoh’s free will and made him treat Israel and Moshe with contempt. This is simply not the case. What happens to Pharaoh and Egypt is Pharaoh’s fault. Don’t blame YHWH. And don’t blame YHWH for what happens in your Pharaoh-like life. If a person sets himself against the Mighty One of Israel there will be consequences.

    Any action performed sets off an undeniable chain of events that will result in that action being responded to. Scientists will tell you that for “every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” It seems that for His own purposes YHWH allows people to wallow in their sins for a season. “The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life,” Galatians 6:8.

    Pharaoh simply would not yield to YHWH. It did not take a divine action on behalf of YHWH to cause Pharaoh to be disobedient to the words “let my people go.” Pharaoh had no one to blame for his cruel attitude and behavior but himself. Five times his heart was set on setting itself against the will of YHWH. As a direct result, Pharaoh’s heart continued to grow cold five times more. Five times Pharaoh sowed a “steadfast” heart and five times he received a “hardened” heart. Five plus five equals ten right? There were ten plagues right? It seems to all add up.

    The plagues were proving Beresheet 12:3, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse.” Pharaoh had at least ten opportunities to heed YHWH’s commands but did not. During each act of rebellion his heart moved farther away from YHWH’s will and grew colder in the process. Each of the plagues occurred to teach Pharaoh, the entire world, and even Israel about YHWH. We should learn from Pharaoh and guard our heart so it does not become hardened.

  10. Tony – your eyes have been blinded – pray that you might receive the light – ask for forgiveness before it is too late!
    Brother Joseph – thank you for speaking out for the remnat of Israel and that we as born again Christians can stand with Israel and pray for their remnant who will be protected supernaturally in Bosra and when they will cry out to the ONE who comes, with HIS robes dipped in the blood of the nations.
    Bless Israel & Bless you Brother Joseph for standing up for ISRAEL

  11. Hello Pastor Joseph.

    Your analysis of what is soon to come is absolutely correct. Israel has always been “God’s Chosen” despite all the times they rejected his way of doing things, and finally Jesus as well.

    What all the Israel-bashers forget is that God has always saved a remnant for himself. It would do them well to remember that our Bible was inspired by God and written by Jews (save for Luke, as far as I know). It was a tiny Jewish remnant that carried Jesus’ words and the record of his life to all the world.

    The great evangelist Paul was formerly a Pharisaic Jew who risked his life repeatedly to proclaim Christ to the Gentile world.

    God has kept the Jews cultural and racial identity intact even though they were dispersed for almost 2000 years and has brought them home against overwhelming odds to their ancestral lands even as the Bible said would one day occur.
    This itself seems to be proof-positive that he has NOT abandoned them.

    Though much conflict lies ahead for Israel, God will keep a faithful remnant of them safe to walk into the Millennium where they will fulfill their mission to deliver God’s Word to the whole world – and that will certainly include their acknowledgement that Jesus IS King of kings, and Lord of lords.

    God always keeps his promises.

  12. I attend a Messianic Synagogue with many saved Jewish brethren. Sometimes we clash, as I expect MORE from them than I do a regular “non-Jewish” believer. AND yet as a gentile — I fail so much more than I want to. Blessed be national ethnic Israel and the current saved Jewish remnant. We are not yet in our perfected state — and we all fail — both (saved) Jews and Gentiles. The 1000 year kingdom of God on earth is most definitely Jewish as the prophets have foretold (Ezekiel, Zachariah, Isaiah, etc). Our Savior retains HIS identity as HE is coming back as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Branch of Jesse, and as from the line of David — He is the King of Jews, Jews and gentiles who repent and Accept His forgiveness — NOW and FOREVER.


  13. * The Bible never mentions prophetically ANYTHING about a STATE of Israel only the LAND of Israel.
    * The Balfour declaration along with the 1948 UN resolution are the beginning of fulfillments concerning the nations dividing YHVH’s Land of Israel. (both documents make eventual provision for the establishment of another state for palistinians from the beginning)(Joel 2:12-13)
    * The STATE of Israel is one of the nations involved in dividing the LAND of israel.
    * The founders of the current state of Israel are zionist, antimessiah(antichrist)and ultimately anti jewish and therefore do not warrent the support of those who keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Rev 14:12
    * YHVH will enter into judgement with the nations that divide His land. including U.S. and the State of Israel so the clear instruction from Jesus (Rev 18) is to get out of her my people.
    * YHVH is the exclusive owner of the Land of Israel. (Jesus parable about the land owner and the stewards who want to kill the heir.)
    * There will be an emptying of the land of Israel during the Day of the Lord in which only a (third)remenant will be rescued. Zech 13:7-14:4
    * The dispersed of Israel (righteous of God=yishar-el= Israel cf. 2Co 5:21) belonging to Messiah will be brought back to the land and given their inheritance by Messiah personally thus reigning with him and partaking in the administration of his kingdom for the next thousand years.
    * We as followers of the Way should seek, as Jesus himself did, to minister to Jews, The lost sheep of Israel and all those who do not yet recognize Jesus as the messiah and saviour of the entire race of men.
    * We are however restricted from participating with, or supporting anything that is anti-messiah which at this point includes most nations of the earth including the State of Israel and the United States.

  14. Dear Pastor Chambers,
    PERFECT article. One that every soul on this earth needs to read. This kind of truth immediately
    brings out all those so called christians that are hostile to Israel like Tony. They better pick up a Bible and read it. How do we support a nation that has rejected Christ as Messiah (just as the Bible predicted they would in part UNTIL the full number of gentiles has come in ) ? BECAUSE THE BIBLE COMMANDS THAT WE DO. Without the jews you wouldn’t have a chance at all of obtaining salvation ! No jewish race equals no written Word of God (Bible), no knowledge of the One and Only True God, no prophetic warnings that authenticate the Bible’s divinity and no way of having a way to spend eternity in Heaven. The Messiah you claim to follow was/is a JEW.
    I often wonder how God is going to deal with those who claim to follow Him but are hostile to His People ? I reckon the first thing He’ll ask them is why didn’t you read the Bible ?I sure wouldn’t want to be them when He returns (or even now for that matter ).

  15. Yohan John Kunnenkeril

    ROMACH, Ken, Judie

    Well Said !

    Thank you everybody else too particularly Pastor Joseph Chambers.