Faithfulness: A Virtue Without Price

Ask a wife about her "Faithful" husband and she will say, "A virtue without price". Also ask a husband about a "Faithful" wife and he will shine with joy as he declares, "A virtue without price". Faithfulness is a foundational virtue, one that must undergird all greatness. A man full of love but that is unfaithful is a joke. A beautiful woman, vivacious and full of excitement, but unfaithful is full of deception. Our Heavenly Father is utterly faithful in every expression of His perfection. His faithfulness undergirds His greatness. The Eternal Son is perfect in faithfulness, The Holy Spirit is complete in His unchanging faithfulness. We must not end these expressions of faithfulness at this point but must include the Saints.The Saints of God are equally responsible to live and serve the Lord and the church of God faithfully. An unfaithful church member is a blight in the House of God and the church if often full of the same. Such a church will soon be history. The strength of every great Church is Godly Saints that have settled their faithfulness. A faithful Pastor with faithful Saints will be used of God to build His Church.Send for, "Obama, The Fox" article at