My Eyes Entrance to My Soul

One of the most incredible gifts of human creation is the gift of sight. Our eyes are indeed a marvel of sight, perception, and reception. Almost everything a person is in their personality is the result of sight. Our eyes are a primary entrance into our soul, as well as the primary screen by which we see the soul’s reflections. In other words, the eyes serve as the chief "in and out" of the eternal soul of every human. There certainly is a connection between all of our five senses to the soul, but the eyes are central.

The Creator knew how important the eyes were and stated clearly in His Book, "I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me." (Psalm 101:3). This generation is being absolutely perverted and destroyed by the constant visions of filth and debauching garbage. If a parent could know the effect on their children’s young personalities, they would do something about the things like television, videos, and demeaning materials to which their families are being subjected.
The human soul is like a sponge absorbing almost everything that is perceived by the senses. Above all five senses, what is received by sight is primary and goes directly to the soul’s personality to be rejected or assimilated.

This generation has been seduced into receiving data from varying sources without critical analysis. Children that watch television and constantly sit before a computer become less and less able to analyze and more and more prone to absorb. Their soul becomes nothing but a reflection of all of their influences. No wonder kids are killing, raping, swearing, and acting more like animals. If the Lord Jesus tarries, this generation of children will take the next generation even deeper into the pit of violence and destruction. In recent weeks I have dealt with numbers of children in our school with varying problems. As I have looked into the eyes of some of these kids it has been amazing how the problems in their young personalities have stared back at me. My burden has been to get each of them to make wise decisions in the care of their own soul.

Our eyes are truly a television screen of our soul. Just like a lie detector test shows the emotion of lying, the eyes of man reflect the quality of the soul. Bright shining eyes usually show purity of soul, while sad eyes might reflect loss of innocence or deep disappointment. We all must start taking seriously what is showing up in the eyes of those around us. At the same time, we must not become judges of others because of our perception of them.

Set standards of what you and your family set before your eyes. Absolutely judge everything by the eternal Word of God and quickly refuse to allow impurities to even be considered as material for your sight. Also, learn to make a critical, righteous judgment the moment you view anything. Your soul will be kept pure by your pure choices. Never view unclean actions or listen to unclean words when you have the power to stop it. When you do not have the power to stop it, make a quick judgment to reject any unclean thing.

A pure soul is a happy soul and your eyes are like a tube straight from the source to your heart. Remember, "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." (Proverbs 4:23).