Archive For: Sanctuary Sermons
A covenant is a contract between two or more; the Lord Jesus Christ and whosoever will surrender to his will…
Please listen carefully to this very important sermon…
Listen to what Billy Graham recently said on a Robert Schuler television broadcast…
The one path to being right with god is to be converted, transformed and made a new creation…
The human spirit can be hi-jacked by evil spirits, unclean spirits, homosexual spirits, and more…
Read Revelation 2:20-25. We are at the door of the rapture…
A blaspheming spirit is sweeping our world. Your soul is in danger if you are not protected by the blood.
Rome is the bastard daughter of Babylon, but Jerusalem is the eternal city…
You will never backslide if you never leave your first love…
The darkest words in the bible are the words, “…Hell is never full” and there’s room for you…