Archive For: Sanctuary Sermons
The ultimate broken vessel was the divine Son, but the saints of God must become broken if we want to see great miracles great revival…
The heart is desperately wicked. The heart is a deep pit. Make sure you let God look inside…
There is one victory in the true church and it is the anointing of his Holy Spirit…
Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8) That means no one else!
The greatest quest of life is to hunger and thirst after righteousness…
The greatest need of the church is a fresh baptism of the Holy Ghost…
The saddest stories in the bible are the stories of backsliders. Many of them never return…
“The earth is waxing old like a garment” (Heb.1:11.) We must prepare for evil days and learn to live by faith…
Remembering New Orleans, LA after Hurricane Katrina
There is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. Please don’t miss this very important sermon!