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Archive For: Sanctuary Sermons

Living on the Hallelujah Side

It is the right, even the responsibility, of His saints to live on the hallelujah side. Shouting is still in style for the pilgrim churches of Jesus Christ. Shout it out saints!

Our Father Which Art in Heaven

The word father appears in scripture 1796 times. God is not a women and he does not have a feminine side. That idea is a satanic invention. The greatness of God is an overriding truth. Please listen and let God’s glory fill your soul…

Making God’s Music for Him

We are God’s music makers. God never chooses the world to make music for him. You cannot make or enjoy the world’s music and then God’s music. It’s an abomination to play for the world on Saturday and then propose to play for god on Sunday.

Taken Captive by Unclean Spirits

This sermon is needed by saints and unsaved alike. Our world is being invaded by spirits that deceive and destroy. Anything from sicknesses to anger can be caused by these unclean fallen angels. The name of Jesus will break every yoke…

The Marks of the Antichrist Nature

The beast of the antichrist is close to having filled our world with his nature. The next great push will be his tattoo or physical mark after the rapture. If you have his nature the mark will come natural to you…

No Confidence in the Flesh

Our church world has become mainly flesh. No flesh will move souls, have a genuine revival or inherit the kingdom. The church must return to a spirit led and spirit filled church…