Archive For: Sanctuary Sermons
The bible has many wonderful examples of saints caught out of impending judgments from God. Noah and his family and Lot and his daughters are perfect pictures. Why do most of the churches deny this great hope? The answer is apostasy, turning from truth…
The bible speaks of mockers, scoffers and those ignorant of truth as God’s warnings to us in the end times concerning the rapture. The great hope is what the scripture calls the pre tribulation return of Jesus Christ. The scoffers only prove how close we are…
Satan is a trained strategist and he is committed to keeping you out of the rapture. Jesus made it clear that there would be ‘snares’ prepared by the world and the devil to hinder you. He said ‘watch therefore’ that you might escape…
There are three deaths for the wicked or the unsaved. There is death every day living in sin. Then it is appointed unto man to die. But the third is called the second death. The name of those souls shall rot, never remembered again…
The heavenly father watches over His saints with unfailing love. He gives his angels charge over our care and they bear us up in there arms to protect us. Learn to put your whole trust in him and quit leaning on the arm of flesh…
At any moment the Son of the Living God will descend to rapture the overcomers to his presence. After seven years of hell on earth, the Lord will return with his saints to set up his kingdom on earth. He will enter the eastern, gate closed for centuries awaiting his return. Read Ezekiel 43:1-7
There is nothing in God’s plan for His saints and His church after we are truly born again. More important than to be filled with the Holy Ghost, it’s inexcusable not to be yielded to the Holy Ghost if we want to be victorious Christians…
The mansions in heaven are nothing compared to seeing Jesus Christ face to face. To see him will require our new bodies, our perfect freedom from limitations and our readiness to receive our eternal rewards…
The bible without the blood would be a forgery, but the bible with the blood is the supernatural power of God. The blood has totally defeated the devil…