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Archive For: Sanctuary Sermons

Children Troubled by Evil Spirits

The bible warned us that in these last days our world would be invaded by dark spirits from the devil. “This know also, that in the last days perilous (dangerous) times shall come…” (II Tim. 3:1) Read this whole passage, please. Your children are going to be challenged. Prepare them…

Healing in the Atonement of Christ

This great truth use to be common fare in the house of god. When that was true there were also many miracles in that same church. Nothing happens when truth is not preached and believed. Claim your healing while you hear this truth…

The Preaching of the Cross

The first responsibility of the New Testament church is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. If the cross is not preached in the power of the Holy Ghost, that church is out of business. Souls will be saved and bodies will be healed if we preach the cross with the Holy Ghost…

God is Not Ashamed of You

Our heavenly Father is awesome in his Holiness. Holiness is His character and nature, but love is His consuming emotion. His love for His own family is pure. He will never be ashamed for you to call Him your God…

The Bottom Line

The world has learned how to spin everything. Salesmen are taught how to get your name on the dotted line without you hearing the bottom line. Preachers are doing the same thing. This sermon is about God’s bottom line and I want you to listen…

Who Then, Can be Saved

Jesus said, “How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of god!’ (Luke18:24). Yet 27 verses later a rich man was saved. Surrender and genuine repentance were the difference. Half of his riches were given outright and he paid restitution from the other half. He was ‘born again’!…

Captivated With Jesus

This sermon from Revelation chapter one is special to me. In one great chapter of Revelation the Lord Jesus Christ is given 43 titles or descriptions. The Lord is the great ‘I Am’, ‘The Beginning and the End’. There is no other name given whereby a hungry soul can find hope…

The Sounds of Hell

The church world has almost totally removed hell or the lake of fire out of its theology. Every person that denies or removed the truth of hell from there belief systems is forever lost unless that repent. Read Revelation 22:19…

The Future is Unknown to the World

The natural man cannot understand the great truths of end time events. It is the duty of bible believers to tell and warn every soul of what is about to occur. The signs are unmistakable. The dark judgment will follow the great rapture…