Archive For: Sanctuary Sermons
"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever" (Hebrews13:8) This is one the greatest possible statements about the Son of God. From the eternal past to the eternal future, He is the arm of His Father to effect the supernatural powers of God. He said by John, "All things were made by Him." (St. ... Read More
The blood of Jesus Christ connected to the glorious resurrection is the greatest power in the universe. There is no sin or human depravity that can stand unchanged before this victory. Every time you pray into the Holy of Holies you must pass by the altar that is covered by His divine, supernatural blood. That ... Read More
As we prepare to celebrate Resurrection Sunday, let’s study these words of our Lord, Jesus Christ as he appeared to his disciples in His Resurrected body (St. Luke 24:39)…
The "new birth" or the cleansing of the blood by the power of the Holy Spirit never leaves a person to continue in their sins. This is the beauty of true salvation. He died to change our lives…
A faithful Prophet of God is in a dungeon, nobody is registered as caring. Jeremiah’s life was saved by someone that was considered a nobody…
Jonah and the call of God for him to go to Nineveh is a mighty example for all of us. First, it reminds us that our Father loves the worse of sinners. Second, you cannot outrun our Father and third, disobedience is misery…
The Lord Jesus Christ made it plain in his teaching on the Holy Ghost that his action in the church is absolutely imperative. The father must draw and convict every soul that is born again and he does that by his spirit…
The Bible says, ‘but he that lacketh these things is blind and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins’ (II Peter 1:9)…
The church world has adopted a fallen system to create ideas of life and every one of there ideas are false. The bible alone is God’s answer to human success…
Comparing our day to the times of past revivals or to the book of Acts reveals the woeful condition of the church world. Acts of the Apostles is the biblical model for his church. Anything less is substandard…