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Prophetic News Alerts

The New World Order How Close Part – Paul Cain and Rick Joyner

Editor’s Note: Key Charismatics, such as Rick Joyner, Paul Cain, and others are helping to prepare for the New World Order. In this article you will hear about: Rick Joyner and others visiting the archives of Adolph Hitler, who was supported and defended by the Catholic church. Rick Joyner, Mahesh Chavada, Ricky Skaggs, etc. being ... Read More

Alternative Medicine and Demon Spirits

The new rave all across America, including a large multitude right in the church of Jesus Christ, is new practices of healing, called "Alternative Medicine." The majority of this new rave is neither medicine, nor healing, but a door into your pocketbook and your soul. There is a lot of truth in good vitamins and ... Read More

What’s In Your Blood

Either righteousness or sin is in your blood and one or the other is controlling your life. In fact, your blood is the source of all of your life. Your blood is your life and your body is the temple where that life is manifest. The moment your blood is drained from your body, the ... Read More

Antichrist A "Jesus Only" Manifestation

One of the great statements made by Jesus Christ plainly shows that the Antichrist will come in his own name. Yes, there will be an "unholy trinity," but it will be manifest in the mode of the "Jesus Only" deception. The three will not be visible for the world to see a false god, a ... Read More

The Unholy Trinity

We have viewed God’s final judgment of this created earth, the fallen angels, and the wicked multitudes from the heavenly advantage. Every aspect of this coming judgment is directed out of the seven-sealed book under the direction of the Lamb that was slain. Now, this period will be watched from the earthly advantage. We will ... Read More

Alfred Cookman Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb

“Sweep a circle of three feet around the cross of Jesus, and you take in all that there was of Alfred Cookman,” wrote DeWitt Talmage after the death of this good man. It had not always been so with this talented but devoted minister. When only twenty years of age, Alfred Cookman had suffered serious ... Read More

Isaac Marsden Earnest Merchant Preacher

The landlady at Wellington Inn, Doncaster, listened as the twenty-seven year old Isaac regaled the inmates of the bar with the news that he had done with the old life. She could remember times when this wild, dissolute, infidel ringleader had overturned tables, broken wine glasses and held the room spellbound with his caricaturing of ... Read More

Tattoos and Body Mutilation

Tattooing, body marking, body piercing, and now body mutilation, where will it end? Just like any trend or downward spiral, it goes deeper and deeper, lower and lower. When any society or culture leaves the absolutes of Biblical truths, there is no bottom. The "body" is the Lord’s. The human life and body is a ... Read More

Angels Overshadowing Jerusalem

As we approach the end of this age, the spirit world is becoming more and more apparent. World events are not accidents, but are part of the overarching actions. The Sovereign God Jehovah is the world architect and His armies are far superior than all the armies of the world together. While our God will ... Read More

Left Behind Can You Still Be Saved

One of the saddest days in human history will be the day following the Rapture of the Saints of God. Once it sinks into the minds of a multiplied number of "Left Behind" individuals that Jesus has literally come to get the readied saints and gone back to Heaven, it will be a traumatic moment ... Read More