Iraq The Rebirth of Babylon

A prophet of God prophesied over twenty-five hundred years ago that Babylon would experience a rebirth and that it would be a very painful experience. The prophet made it plain that this rebirth would be dramatic and sorrowful, even like a "carcass trodden under foot." The people of this rebirth would be troubled by evildoers. ... Read More

The Mental War on Truth

The entire universe is locked in a life and death struggle about “truth.” When Satan entered the Garden of God he immediately attacked “truth.” His first words were, “… Yea, hath God said,…?” (Genesis 3:1) He then proceeded to voice “half-truths.” Adam and Eve were defeated, not by naked error, but by truth with a ... Read More

Perfected Praise

The ultimate expression of all creation and especially of angels and man is to praise the God of all glory. We were not created to praise one another or to praise the works of our own hands. He created us in His own likeness, not to compete with Him but to reflect all the glory ... Read More

Godly Sorrow After a Godly Sort

“Godly sorrow” is a Biblical term that carefully describes the “fear of God.” Apostle Paul adds to that term “after a Godly sort” so there would be no confusing it with worldly sorrows. Worldly sorrows are debilitating while “Godly sorrow” is life changing in the positive. If we can truly understand “Godly sorrow” or its ... Read More

Rubber Stamp Liberals

The authority of truth claimed by liberals is no different than the authority of truth claimed by the Bible except in its origin. Liberals have no right to ever condemn Bible believing people for being rigid and dogmatic. They are not only more dogmatic; they are completely unwilling to allow us the same rights they ... Read More

Gods Greatest Miracle

The Bible is full of many supernatural miracles, but the transcending miracle of all was the gift of His Son. Genesis and Revelation are the Alpha and Omega of Scripture, and both books tower above the natural world. They are so supernatural in content and the activities of GodÂ’s revelations, yet the manifestation of God ... Read More