The world of Benny Hinn is a strange and mystical world. He fits perfectly into the category of a Charismatic Catholic priest, dispensing theological bondage and unbiblical superstition. A noted ministry described a past Benny Hinn three (3) hour video which presented him “as a ‘twentieth century’ ‘Holy of Holies’, a ‘point of contact’ for the power and anointing of God, much as Roman Catholic priests were presented during medieval times.” (The Confusing World of Benny Hinn, p. 79.) They also suggested that he is becoming a kind of “Charismatic Pope.”

There are a host of problems in the Benny Hinn world, but nothing is more dangerous than his Catholic style and theology. Kathryn Kuhlman was clearly the first public Charismatic to merge Catholic ideas and support with her Charismatic operation. Benny Hinn considers himself a benefactor and model of the Kuhlman mystic. Oral Roberts said on the three hour Hinn video, “I saw Kathryn Kuhlman as unparalleled”, implying that Hinn is greater than Kuhlman. Roberts then spoke of himself as having God’s power … in his right hand, but said of Hinn, his anointing “fills the building … a greater level has come.”

Benny Hinn And Catholic Confusion: There is not an organization on the face of this earth that is more thoroughly demonic than Catholicism. It is riddled with heathen teachings and doctrines of devils. Yet, Hinn proudly stated, “My upbringing, of course, was Catholic in that I attended the Catholic school in Jaffa, Israel. And so my mentality basically is a Catholic mentality. When I was born again, I was Catholic in my ways. I was very Catholic in my ideas, in my behavior.” (Christianity Today, Sept. 3, 1991.) Indeed, the mysticism that accompanies Hinn’s ministry, and according to his own words, has done so since the first time he spoke publicly is in the very style of a medieval mystic.

Benny Hinn personally told two reporters from the Toronto Globe And Mail about his first speaking engagement. This supposedly occurred on December 7, 1974, at the Trinity Pentecostal Church in Oshawa. His words were, “I held up my hands to pray and the 100 people present fell on the floor. That’s when I became aware of my tremendous power.” These kinds of phenomenon happen frequently in mystical religions, occultic ceremonies and with religious gurus, but are absolutely absent in Holy Scripture. The only time in the Bible that a person fell on the floor was when God Himself was manifested or an angel appeared to that individual.

To even consider a person having power to knock people on the floor flies in the face of reason and Biblical order. Why would God give a man or woman power to slay people? If He is going to manifest such a demonstration of His presence in His prophets or prophetesses, He is going to do something of meaning, not nonsense. It would disturb my soul for God to use me to slay people by the thousands and then heal them by the handfuls. If it is really God, and He cares about mankind, why would He not heal thousands and slay the handfuls? The God of Holy Scripture does not do foolish and meaningless things. That is Satan’s style, not the Heavenly Fathers.

Benny Hinn And The Catholic Mass: The Mass as celebrated in Catholic churches is a blasphemous event. Nothing moved the reformers to resist the Pope and the doctrines of Catholicism more than this false teaching. The Mass proposes the constant death of Jesus Christ over and over, plus it is a fetish practice that reduces a Believer to a God-eating cannibal. The whole idea is sub-human and represents a religious descent into gory superstition. No wonder the doctrines of Mary were necessary to aid the constant dying Redeemer as His co-redemptrix. If the body and blood of Jesus must be offered by Him as a constant death, then His resurrection is reduced to a helpless idea and the ascended Mary becomes the bridge to their unsure future. Even purgatory is needed because of the weakened Messiah who is still being baptized in His daily death. It’s a confusing and unbiblical picture.

Apparently, Benny Hinn loves this confusion. Let me quote an experience that he recently told on the Paul Crouch (TBN) television show. He shared an experience which should raise a red flag in minds of all thinking Christians. In the course of describing a Catholic communion service in Armarillo in which he took part, he stated that “he suddenly felt numb, then felt someone step in front of him. The sensation became so real that he then reached out and touched a robe which had: ‘…a silky feeling, a beautiful softness to the robe. …’ The next thing I was feeling was actually the form of a body, the shape of a body. And my body…went totally numb. …And God really gave me a revelation that night, that when we partake of communion, it’s not just communion, Paul” [Speaking to Paul Crouch onTBN]. Hinn further stated, “We are partaking Christ Jesus Himself. He did not say, “Take, eat, this represents my body.” He said, “This is my body, broken for you…” When you partake communion, you’re partaking Christ, and that heals your body. When you partake Jesus how can you stay weak?…sick? …And so tonight, as we partake communion, we’re not partaking bread. We’re partaking what He said we would be partaking of: ‘This is my body’.” (The Confusing World Of Benny Hinn, pp. 132-133, quoting from the Praise The Lord Show, Trinity Broadcasting Network)

Benny Hinn is clearly a Catholic mystic invading Charismatic and Evangelical churches with doctrines of demons. The work of the cross is a finished work. The true faith of Bible believers does not and cannot survive mystical religious experiences. “The just shall live by faith” (Galatians 3:11) Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians of this danger. He called it being “Bewitched,” deceived by the spirit of witchcraft, when we try to aid our faith with the Catholic Mass and unbiblical ritualism.

The Holy Ghost said, “O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? Have ye suffered so many things in vain? if it be yet in vain” (Galatians 3:1-4).

A Believer of The Infallible Bible must reject Benny Hinn as a heretic. Most heretics are just heretics and can do little damage, but Hinn is a world wide phenomenon. His display of mystical powers and entertaining techniques make him a draw for anyone that has an inclination for emotional hype. Saints saturated with the Bible and possessing Spiritual descernment will keep a clear distance from such End Time deception. (Read the rest of this article on our Paw Creek Internet. Go to .Check out our Health supplies listed on our Internet under the Bookstore. You will find the link to Paw Creek Bookstore near the top at the HOME page.)

29 thoughts on “BENNY HINN: A CATHOLIC MYSTIC (Blasphemy Series)

  1. This is a well-written article on the Truth of the Bible. Now, if multitudes will read it,
    many will be delivered from demonic Romanism.
    Well done, brother – don’t stop.


  2. I have a hunch you’ll get a lot of negative commments for this commentary, but you are right in what you said here today and I am glad you did so, Pastor Joseph.

    Any supposed “powers” that Benny Hinn might have are NOT from God. His televised services are more like circus acts and watching people fall at his “touch” is either a sham or the work of demon spirits. It is not the Holy Spirit by any means. Investigations of Hinn have revealed false predictions, bogus healings, and a lavish lifestyle. Deuteronomy 18:9-22 shows us how to spot these false prophets.

    Remember that the very next thing Jesus warned about in the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21) after revealing the destruction of the temple which was to occur almost 40 years later was to beware of false prophets and false christs. In these Last Days, it seems that this problem has become pandemic – a prelude to the workd embracing the Antichrist who will employ all manner of devilish powers.

    Additionally much of the church world, both Protestant and Roman Catholic is being led to follow the “doctrines of devils” (1 Timothy 4:1-3) as well with blatant error being preached and accepted by their Bible-illiterate members.

    It is easy to see why Jesus himself wondered if he would find faith on the earth when he came back (Luke 18:8).


    Thank you so much on this teaching of Benny Hinn! I was not aware that he was catholic. I grew up in the catholic church but after 20 years in it I felt dead. When I was searching different “religious options” Catholic, protestant, morman, baptist…I told The Lord that I was dead and searching for truth in worshipping Him. He gave me 3 sets of dreams telling me to “Get out of the catholic church!” When I asked Him which denomination I should pursue, He stated, “My Holy Scriptures!” So I did and my life in Him has never been the same. I am truly blessed and all I did was to ask His opinion in the matter and follow His advice! He is an awesome Savior indeed! Thank you for your ministry and being a faithful watchman!

  4. To look at old Hinny Pinny just makes my skin crawl. I think true Christians in touch with Jesus/Holy Spirit can feel and spot these frauds easily enough. That is why it is important to know your scripture, espcially the scriptures that deal with Salvation, Faith and Grace.

  5. Dear brother in Christ,

    It is easy to attack others who are believers in Christ but I’ve found that it takes away from the ministry of bringing others to the Kingdom of God. God is a big God and He can deal with Benny Hinn or with anyone else who is out of the faith or not doing what they are supposed to do. We can judge but we are to look at the fruit but God is the final judge according to John chapter 5. Benny will get his reward, perhaps not now but in the days to come.

    The hour is late and many are slipping away from the Gospel of Christ and so it behooves us to step up and present a clear redeeming message of Jesus Christ. God will take care of other ministries in time. Over 50 years I have served him but keep your eyes upon Jesus and His wonderful story of redemption.

    Blessings, Pastor Lyle

  6. Beverly Burlingham

    I was a former catholic , that was over 32 years ago.
    Thank you for being so candid , I wish someone had been that candid with me..
    Keep telling the truth Pastor, in these days that needs to be done..
    I will tell you the thoughts I had after I got out of that church.
    One was if that Priest can “create God” by lifting it up and bowing to a piece of bread.
    Obviously that priest is greater than God , How can any mere man create the HOLY God of the universe?? He can’t , he can however claim he did just that but it does not make it so.
    He is putting himself above God Almighty.
    Also if Mary’s body had to be perfect to carry”perfect” Jesus then her mothers body would have
    to be perfect to carry a perfect body and how far back does one go ?
    These thoughts made me think wow it is impossible, God is so much greater and higher than the things they led me to believe .. OH how the truth sets us free! I love being free, keep preaching the truth please .
    All praise be to God

  7. I’m like the (above) Kelly Herman. Sitting in a little church revival in W.Tx one night, , My thoughts were “They’ve turned this into a dog and pony show” I fell on my face one evening afterward, crying, and asked God to give me wisdom of truth. It seems like He’s so faithful to do that ,, just eagerly waiting for us to ask. I’ve learned that the 7 facets of Christs’ “Witnessing Body” has nothing to do with man-made denominational religion. There is an apostate Greco-Roman Empire that spread to the N.American continent the past 2 centuries. Maybe Benny Hinn was submerged in this most of his life. Maybe his heart is sincere .. we don’t know. Pray for people misled. I was once one of them.

  8. I agree with Pastor Lyle (I don’t know you Pastor but I agree with you). I also didn’t know that taking of communion was a blasphemy? I’ve always been asked to take communion in every domination I’ve ever attended (and I’ve attended a lot). I don’t see a lot of evidence in this article that Benny Hinn is a heretic. He’s an ex-catholic is the way I understand it. I’d be careful in your judgment. I’m not a follower of Benny Hinn, my main beef with him is that he makes way too much money for one minister! Why not give it all away if you are truly following Christ? Anyway.. that’s my two-cents worth.

  9. I watch Benny Hinn all the time…
    I don’t see any hocus pocus..nor do I see any catholisism in his actions..

    This is the second slam Ive read from your ministry..
    the first one was against Joel Osteen…calling him (more or less) a fag.

    It would seem to me that theres some misdirection in your choice of ministerial targets as attacking those who are esteemed and established in national scales to win people toward christ is a sheer sign of negative attitude and satanic expression.
    God is the judge of humankind…not you…
    if these people are in their “calling” then what is that to you?
    Seems maybe your actions to demean them is causing you to miss your own calling..and your path..and your obedience to Gods spirit so that you expose evil for what it that people can be saved..

    continual attacks like this will warrant my dumping you from my subscriptions..
    Fight the evil not the people..
    judge the circumstances that prevent the truth..and do something about that.
    attacking ministers of God for “supposed” ill and wraught is a poor sign of your own christian maturity

  10. This is a travesty. Don`t you think our God is capable of handling any person or situation if they are indeed false prophets? Only God can search the heart of a person and know what is in there. At the Judgement Seat of Christ all will be revealed.For now I refuse to speak against any person or ministry. When we do this, it affects not only believers, but those we are trying to lead to Christ. This backbiting is not a fruit of The Holy Spirit. We are not known by our gifts, but by our fruit. Which is The Fruit of The Holy Spirit.

  11. Dear Pastor Chambers,

    Pastor Hinn could not be a Cult, because to qualify for a cult the Hinn-ittes would have to differ from the normative form of the Religion (Christianity) on at least two or more significant points. What about his flock can they do the same as Him? If not, Why not? Greater things you shall do???

    Firstly i do not have the power to cancel any one down in front of me,for that matter nor can i bring down fire from Heaven. i am not that kind of spirit. Praise Jesus

    Secondly A Gnostic would use an example of how HE Slayed them by His Power as the basis for his message. A Christian would use a Jewish type Mid rash to illustrate a meaning of something by using an example to help understanding . Very Different in approach to teaching but one leads to Hell the other to Heaven.

    So Pastor does this prove that the Hinn ministries is bordering on Blasphemy? Maybe, Maybe not.

    Sincerely in Jesus

  12. Dear Dennis. I appreciate your desire to protect Benny Hinn. In our time, many churches have unknowingly adopted false doctrines that work against the purposes of Christ. The Bible teaches about deception and warns believers to be on the lookout for wolves seeking to devour the flock (Luke 21:8; Acts 20:29). Pastor Chambers is warning people. The warnings about deception appear through out the New Testament, not the least of which is the fifth chapter of Galatians. While the Galatians were born again, false teachers came in among them with heresies. Benny Hinn and Joel Osteen are apostate ministers on steroids. They teach horrible heresies. I am not afraid to say it and neither is Pastor Chambers. Jesus confronted the religious system of His day and called the Pharisees and Sadducees a brood of vipers. These religious leaders filled their fangs with venomous hatred towards Christ two-thousand years ago. Today is no different. Hinn and Osteen are like the religious leaders of old, who adorned themselves in robes of false doctrine and spoke in pleasing platitudes. They seduced their flocks with hypnotic gaze, drawing them in unaware. Hinn and Osteen are like first century zealots who hiss from their dark dens and strike with the slow acting venom of deception (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).

  13. As a student of Catholic theology I keep Brother Joseph hate mongering coming because it is always so typical of the John MacArthur type of Evangelical who prefers to slash and burn, demonstrating hate rather than love. This article is one of Brother Joseph’s usual anti-Catholic rants. Whatever Benny Hinn was, he is not a Catholic now. He did not understand the Faith and left. Same as Beverly and Kelly whose remarks demonstrate that the only thing they know about Catholicism they learned from lying vultures pretending to be shepherds.

    I will be happy to speak to anyone who wants to ask me about what Catholic really believe, not the traditions of man and the invented foolishness that Brother Joseph and any other so-called pastor here dispenses. Their ideas regarding Catholic teaching have very little in common with the actual teachings that come from Jesus and His apostles.

    My email is Anyone who wants and HONEST Catholic witness need only send an email. I invite Beverly and Kelly in particular to respond.

  14. By the way – Pastor Joseph will not allow you to contact me since he knows I actually do know honest Catholic teaching, not the pretentious bilge the PAW Creek Ministries use to mask those real Catholic teachings. Email:

  15. I suppose if I had to choose whether to be a heretic or a cannibalistic christian. I might would choose to be a heretic. I have always detested chronic complainers and judgmental people. I have been in BH meetings and frankly had a few doubts about the process he uses. But, since he doesn’t answer to me, I better let the Lord take care of any errors. He has been using goofy people for thousands of years and had been doing quite well, the last time I checked.

  16. Brother Chambers I thank you for having the courage to speak the truth in spite of the people who would misunderstand. The body of Christ has allowed every Spirit to enter the church and has not obeyed the Word that says to test the Spirit, even the Prophets have not judged the Prophets as the Word commands them to do.
    We are told to never judge, but, clearly, 1 Corinthians 2:14-16 tells us that the Spiritual man judgeth all things..
    Hebrew 5:14 Explains that the mature christian will have their spiritual senses exercised to be
    able to discern between good and evil.
    Jesus had no problem confronting the Jewish leaders and even calling them vipers and snakes.
    We are to honor those who are honorable and we are to reject the false teachers and prophets.
    I know your heart is to Warn the people of God, not to bring confusion, as does the false teachers
    who are working miracles by demons, as the Word says they will decieve many in the last days.
    I thank you for speaking the truth in the face of opposition. Those who have misunderstood and think you are wrong should research and study the life and ministry of Kathryn Kuhlman and judge it in the light of Gods pure word and understand that Benny Hinn said that he recieved from her the same Spirit and Anointing to work miracles as she did. We believe in the working of miracles by the Holy Spirit but, when you test his strange practices against the Word of God it is easy to see it is not the Work of the Holy Spirit.
    Paul rebuked the woman with a Spirit of divination and cast the devil out of her in Acts 16:16-18
    and when you read what she was saying, she looked as if she was one of the christians following Pauls ministry. He discerned by the Spirit that her Spirit was a demon spirit and he cast it out.
    Also in Acts 8:9 we see that a man named Simon who had used Sorcery to bewitch the people, when he
    heard Philip preach Christ, he believed and was baptised and continued with Philip, but, when he saw the true miracles he tried to buy the secret to this power with money, Philips words were quick and sharp and he was told that his heart was not right and he was wicked and in iniquity or sin.
    Someone has to speak the truth and warn the people, it is past time for the people of God to awaken from their sleep and begin to search the scriptures and hear from God and then they will know the truth when they hear it from a true man of God. Thank you for your courage and love of the truth.

  17. Dear Pastor Chambers,
    GREAT article ! Great because its all truth ! Its almost unimaginable that there are those that would dispute the truth of this report. But then again, you have to remember what period of history we are living in.
    Don’t be discouraged by those that critizize you because they are biblically illiterate.
    Keep on contending for the faith just as we are ALL commanded to do (Book of Jude).
    You’ll save souls from the fire and once in the next life you’ll be glad you did.

  18. It is time,HIGH TIME indeed we go back to the REAL JESUS of the Holy Bible and stop following
    names and personalities whoever they are and whatever they say and do.
    We are ALL called to FOLLOW JESUS,He said it loud and clear,deny ourselves take up our cross and follow HIM….there is not merit,it is by Grace,His wonderful Grace and it is for His glory..we better go back to Jesus and forget all this great circus and zoo that pseudo Christianity of the 21st century is vomiting through TV and media in the homes and hearts and minds of the people of God.
    Wake up church,back to Jesus,back to the Bible!
    Maranatha and Shalom…..

  19. Pastor Chambers is not attacking anyone, he has given a true picture of a false prophet. Benny Hinn does not pass the test. He said the Lord would physically appear in the muslim world and in Churches on March 29, 2000. On Dec. 31,1989 he said God would destroy the homosexual community in the mid 90’s. He said an earthquake would hit the East Coast & destroy much in the 90″s. Fidel Castro will die in the 90’s. During his services he tells a woman she will find a husband in 4 to 5 months, a man will find a wife in 2 months. Have any of these things come to pass. NO! By his own words he condems himself as false. The point everyone is missing, a great multitude is being deceived straight into the tribulation. Read and study Revelation. The truth of the Lord is a sharp sword, sometimes it cuts. A Sunday School lesson was taught at my Church from one of Benny Hinns books. I pointed out many times how he miss quoted Scripture and twisted it to suit his needs. Is that not the same thing Satan did in Gen. 3. Your argument is not with Pastor Chambers, but with God Amighty.

  20. I must take issue; not with any real or perceived error in teaching or doctrine of another ministry, but with any personal public attack, by name, of an individual. It is certainly proper to point out errors, and false or questionable Doctrine, but to get personal without first going to another person you take issue with is out of line with Biblical order. Except for the use of the minister’s name I agree with much of what you had to say, however I am constrained to also warn: “Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand”. Rom. 14:4…..and again: “But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth”. Math: 24:44-51 ….. I too see much falling away in Christianity – so-called – and many errors, but unless some deny the basic Doctrines or the Faith held from the beginning I find personal attacks on those who do claim Jesus as Lord to grieve the Holy Spirit in a mighty way. “Judge none before the time”! If we disagree with the manner of some ministries, so be it, but let’s not get personal in how we explain what we might see as error.

  21. The first sentence says it all. (I) held up my hands and (I)…. The Holy Spirit has been present at times in my life for things that have occurred with me and others. “I”.. had nothing to do with it except have faith and trust in CHRIST and HIS POWERS. And it happened without any planning on my part. I believe that there can be miracle healings and other miracles but not at a time and place chosen by any human. Linda Joy Adams, servant of Christ and not an “I” or a god.


  23. I watched Benny Hinn on TV one day many years ago so the most stunning thing. T was the biggest red flag for any preacher i have ever heard. He said, that he “often goes to the grave of Katherine Kulhman and rolls around on top of her grave to get a refreshing of the Holy Spirit.” HELLO?? Even for those who are just drinking milk as new Christians, this is a very clear warning sign. This guy is a heretic based on the hundreds of stupid anti biblical things he has said over the years. For about 2 years, i used to pray that GOD would remove Benny from TV, possibly by striking him dumb, as in not being able to talk. Most of the headstones in cemetaries of Christians, mention the word “sleeping until HE returns” or “asleep until Jesus comes on the clouds.” Dead Christians have no thoughts, that is what the bible says. So, by Benny’s own mouth, he has confirmed, evil spirits hanging around Katherine kulhman’s grave.
    The bible tells us to pray for our enemies, Benny should be on the top 10 on that list. Pray that he would be struck dumb. so the whole world will see, that it was a stronger power that removed his idiot voice.

  24. dear brothers: jesus taught about the wheat& the tares & many ask should they pull out the tares??, what was jesus reply??, let them grow together until the harvest time then they be separated.

    so different from the roman catholic dogma for centuries of ex-communication& burning of heretics, same for protestants& others. God bless

  25. Pastor Chambers is dead-on in his assessment of Benny Hinn, et al. Hinn, through his own admission, visits the grave of Kathryn Kuhlman for the purpose of communing with his spiritual heroine. I believe that’s called ‘necromancy’ or talking to the dead which Jehovah God expressly condemns as an abomination in Deut 18:10-11. Also, if you notice, when Benny “slays someone with the Spirit” he knocks them in the forehead and they fall backwards. Well, in Scripture, any appearance of an Angel or Theophany of Jesus has the human falling forward on their knees in order to worship. Interesting difference, huh?

    Benny Hinn is nothing more than the “ravenous wolf in sheep’s clothing” (Mat 7:15) of whom our Lord warns us. Pastor Chambers is only acting as a “watchman on the Wall” for those sheep who have zero discernment. And, judging from some of the comments above, there are quite a few of undiscerning sheep in the flock (including Pastor Lyle).

    Furthermore, as a former Catholic myself, I reaffirm what the Apostle Paul said in Galatians 1: 7-9, “that if anyone come to you with another gospel, let him be accursed”. This is what Hinn has been bringing – another gospel. The Roman Catholic Church has been doing it since the third century. The RCC is one of the most perverse, ritualistic and superstitious religions ever conceived by Satan into duping millions of humans into the fires of hell. It is quite possibly his finest work of deception because the soul damning doctrine is so closely interwoven with just enough of Christian doctrine to make it look, well, Christian. Purgatory, the Sacraments, the sacrifice of the Mass, Trans-substantiation, the infallible “Holy Father”, venerating and praying to dead saints in the form of statues, icons, mummified body parts, etc. are all nothing more than “doctrines of demons”. (1 Timothy 4:1)

  26. To Mr. Query,

    The Apostle Paul named names. How are we to ‘expose’ the wolves to those who do not have the discernment or are gullible sheep? That is not a knock on people but lets face it. There are
    many Christians who rarely open their Bibles to check out if these things are true as the Bereans did. Jesus said in Mt.24:4 “Take heed that no man deceive you.” Is Benny Hinn, Paul Crouch and scores of others I could name Men? They need to be named. It is scriptural to name names. As far as Judging, Judgement begins in the house of The Lord. This article not only further exposes Benny Hinn and his ‘doctrine of demons’ but also the Catholic Church and their worship of Mary as Co-Reedemer. Look at all of the supposed appearances of Mary to certain people in the 20th century and even today. Does ‘this Mary’ ever tell those she appears to to not worship her but to worship God only and to put their faith and trust in The Lord Jesus Christ who is her Lord and Saviour also?
    No, she does not. Why? Because it is not the Mary of the Bible but a demonic ‘angel of light’ impersonator. Broad road stuff. Leading millions to Hell. Their is but one God and one Lord and Savior. And I believe we are all to be watchmen and expose the heretics who teach another Gospel.
    We are all sinners saved by Grace. We need to put our attention on Jesus and ask and pray for wisdom and discernment. Only He can keep any of us from being deceived. This was a great article by Mr. Chambers.

  27. I applaud your bravery, Pastor Chambers, in exposing the Catholic Church for what it really is. Benny Hinn is obviously a fraud and should be exposed as such. You are not judging here, just telling the facts and warning people not to follow false religions and false prophets. What I’ve never understood is why the Catholic religion is considered Christian. In my opinion they are no different than the Mormon religion or the Jehovah’s witness religion, which takes away or lessens the deity of Christ, and changes/adds to the words of the Bible.

  28. Great article,as are all your writings. A thought came to me since I have been reading so much about apostasy in the Bible,and there is a lot.I read about it for 40 or 50 years and would read over it quickly and kept an eye out for signs.Most evangelical churches then preached the Word.Today it seems as if there are more warnings everywhere.Apostasy has creeped into so many churches that used to be called Pentacostal and Evangelical.Now those passages scream out warnings.It is happening so fast now and it’s pace is furious.I’m sure we you can drive by churches of other denominations that 30 or 40 years ago were sound Bible believing churches that today do not preach repentance,baptism,etc.How sad.I found a small Pentacostal church that has morning and eveninng services on Sunday.Wednesday nights we have a prayer meeting where we pray for each request.Some nights are long,but all needs are prayed for. We even pray for people that request the elders to annoint and pray for healing or special need in any three services.We even use SONG BOOKS and once a month we have a dinner on the grounds after morning service. Imagine that.That Rapture moment must be wonderfully near. Great old time preacher,like you.