A Massive Temple, But A Crippled Man

This story in Acts chapter three is a perfect picture of most of our church world. This man had apparently lain at the gate for many years. The beautifully robed priests had walked by often. Anyone that was religious in all Israel had either seen him or been seen by him. He could not go inside because a crippled person was not allowed inside the Temple. There was nothing wrong about this beautiful Temple because God Himself had given King David the design. It was worth millions, but it was now out of business. The great veil that opened into the Holy of Holies had been supernaturally divided when the Son of God died and rose from the dead. Even before Christ’s deat, the Jewish system had developed into an empty religion and Jesus Christ had sharply rebuked them, calling them “dead men’s bones” “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness” (Matthew 23:27). This was a beautiful and religious Temple, but the people were helpless before the human tragedies that lay at their very gate. But two men from the Upper Room where the Holy Ghost had been poured out, came to pray and everything changed. These men understood why Jesus Christ had come. It was not to institute another empty religion, but to meet human needs. The world is waiting at the gates of churches all over the world but are mainly getting nothing but head theology. What they need is to see the power of God again. The Church of Jesus Christ has the responsibility of turning truth into transforming oracles. The Bible is not a dead book, but a supernatural revelation. This crippled man was perfectly healed and went into the Temple, “Walking, and leaping and praising God” (Acts 2-8). This kind of miracle would leave any church a different place. Please invite the Lord to do it in your church.

5 thoughts on “A Massive Temple, But A Crippled Man

  1. Dear Pastor Chambers,

    I couldn’t agree with you more! The great need in American churches and churches around the world is to have the Word go forth in power. 1 Thess.1:5 “For our gospel did not come to you in word oly, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance…” (NKJV). Thank you for your good work in reminding us of the things most needed in the church.

  2. I agree people need to see the power of God again. People need to see miracles, the greatest of which is the transformation of a sinner to saint. Although a miracle of physical healing is a wonderful event, the transformation of self-centered individuals to Christ-centered people is the power of the gospel in full bloom. We are, as Paul teaches, living epistles… the only epistles most of humanity will ever read. Our witness to the world must be as Christ would wish. When the church learns to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit through a submitted life, then the power of the gospel will go forth.

  3. What a great message, Brother Chambers!

    That powerful old evangelist, T.L. Osborn, once said: “A preacher that cannot confirm the
    gospel is not fit to preach the gospel!”

    “And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming
    the word with signs following.” (Mark 16:20)

  4. 1cor13-1 miracles are not happening today because there is lack of love
    in the christian circles read chapter 13 of 1st corinithians the church is
    divided many are puffed up with pride having a form of godliness but deny
    the power there of you cannot tell the true from the counterfeit sometimes.

  5. I agree that miracles aren’t happening today because of a lack of love, but not because of a lack of love between fellow Believers, imho. We desperately NEED to get the cart behind the horse where it rightfully belongs. In front of the horse, that cart is a snare, but behind the horse, that cart is most useful. We NEED to do, as a whole, what the Church has failed to do, as a whole, since the waning days of the apostles….GET BACK TO OUR FIRST LOVE! We NEED to NEED HIM with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. HIm and Him only. Beloved Paul understood. He was determined NOT to ‘know’ anything among them except JESUS and Him crucified. When we LIFT HIM UP, and only Him, then HE will do the rest of the stuff that we also need done, Matt.6:33; John8:28, 12:32; 1Thess.5:24. We might honestly say, “but I’m too lukewarm to need Him.” So we take what little we’ve got to the Throne and beg Him to help us NEED HIM more. Bless His precious heart, HE WANTS TO BE NEEDED by those He created and came to die for.

    Oh Father, forgive us for our hardness of heart please. Help us to need You more. When we have NEED enough, we will go running for help. Need moves us. Help us to run to You First (Matthew 6:33) instead of to the horses of Egypt or any other idols being offered to us as a way of escape. Instead, help us to keep knocking on Your heavenly Door for the True Bread that will satisfy us completely and will cause others to hunger for it as well. I ask this in that glorious, wonderful, all powerful, all worthy, everlasting name that is above every name, the name of our Lord Jesus Messiah, amen and amen!