The Person Of The Holy Ghost: No Other Religion Can Compare

The beauty and glory of the Trinity of God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost sets the GreatFaith of the Bible apart and above all the world. Our Father and God sits on His throne ruling His universe. His "Only Begotten Son" came as His Redeemer and their Holy Spirit make all God Is, known and available to all creation. There are many in the church world that have no idea of an experience or relationship with God. The reason is that they have no understanding of the God that reveals Himself. This is absolutely connected to the Office of God’s Holy Spirit. If one has no sense of this third Person of the Trinity then there is no one available to make God Known to them. The church world is dying for lack of understanding of the Baptism of the Spirit. The Holy Ghost is a Person and He has a tongue and language. This is why a person truly filled with the Holy Ghost speaks in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance. No one can teach another to speak in the Spirit and to try is close to blasphemy. The Holy Spirit is Sovereign and cannot be controlled by men. He can be grieve, quenched, resisted or blasphemed. When He is blasphemed He will never speak to that soul again. They are as good as in hell.Please send your questions or comments to

The Person Of The Holy Ghost: No Other Religion Can Compare

The beauty and glory of the Trinity of God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost sets the GreatFaith of the Bible apart and above all the world. Our Father and God sits on His throne ruling His universe. His "Only Begotten Son" came as His Redeemer and their Holy Spirit make all God Is, known and available to all creation. There are many in the church world that have no idea of an experience or relationship with God. The reason is that they have no understanding of the God that reveals Himself. This is absolutely connected to the Office of God’s Holy Spirit. If one has no sense of this third Person of the Trinity then there is no one available to make God Known to them. The church world is dying for lack of understanding of the Baptism of the Spirit. The Holy Ghost is a Person and He has a tongue and language. This is why a person truly filled with the Holy Ghost speaks in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance. No one can teach another to speak in the Spirit and to try is close to blasphemy. The Holy Spirit is Sovereign and cannot be controlled by men. He can be grieve, quenched, resisted or blasphemed. When He is blasphemed He will never speak to that soul again. They are as good as in hell.Please send your questions or comments to

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