The Holy Ghost And Praying In The Anointing

There was a time in the history of the church body that the anointing or the unction of the Holy Ghost was treated as paramount. Preachers were not satisfied to just teach the Bible, they knew that the anointed preaching would penetrate the heart. In his biography, Presbyterian evangelist, Charles Finney, told of praying until he literally bellowed out the unutterable gushes of his heart. Jonathan Edwards prayed and preached until entire communities were crying out to God. The Methodists often prayed until they were overwhelmed with the presence of God and would pray in unknown languages. Martin Luther was reported to have been used by all nine gifts of the Holy Ghost. Denying that people speak in tongues or that God gives miracles in today’s world is both unbiblical and wrong. There has never been a period in church history that God was not moving at some location or in someone’s life. Elijah tried to tell God he was all God had left, but God Himself let Elijah know he was wrong. The Rapture will occur at ANY MOMENT, but until it does and then, even after the Rapture, God will still be in the miracle business. Why would anybody want to deny that God cannot be less than supernatural in His world. It defies the Word Of God, it defies the love of God, and it defies the reality that God shows no respect of persons or generations. If Our God has gone out of the miracle business, then He has treated this period of history wrong and proved Himself to be a respecter of persons. That’s impossible!!! Our Great Heavenly Father is looking for yielded bodies to sanctify and fill with His Holy Ghost. He wants an army of saints so filled with the Spirit that we will storm the gates of Hell and tear down walls of sin, stubbornness, and wickedness. Praying in the Holy Ghost is so powerful that Satan is fighting the possibility. He cannot stop you unless you let him. I REFUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 thoughts on “The Holy Ghost And Praying In The Anointing

  1. Bless you Pastor Chambers, to deny the Pentecostals and the Charismatic’s the laying on of hands and the alter calls and the speaking in tongues is to take the stained glass windows from the Anglicans. We know word usage is misunderstood and used by darkness to discredit truth and the way groups ‘do church” But we also know in these days discernment of spirits is vital hand in hand with sound doctrine and honor to Him The Word.
    Love reading your posts, In Christ’s service Kath.

  2. Early this morning I was dreaming . I guess because of certain events lately and I dont know if it was from God but there was chaos and turmoil and fear everywhere, it was like the end was upon us and everyone including myself were not doing anything and it was too late. There were thunders and lightenings and storms and loss and wailing. I put my hands up to cry for Mercy for everyone and myself but I was thinking why didnt I do this before why now when its too late. I believe and we all know that very bad times are ahead and TODAY is the day of salvation and we MUST cry out with all that we are for mercy for God to turn the hearts of the people. God is calling the wailing women, young men are dying in the street. Holy Spirit crying from our innermost being. Jesus is coming soon, time is running out we must intercede with Holy Spirit power prayers and be filled with the Spirit and be led by the Spirit to bring life to that which is dead and dying. Not to wait until a castrophe is upon us but to pray now. Holy Spirit come and do your work in us. Holy Spirit come and stir us, kindle us to prayer and fasting. Have Mercy O God, Have Mercy. Lord your word said that You are Good and your mercy endures forever. Forgive us for being so asleep. WAKE us up Lord to be totally and fully clothed in you. Looking upon you not self and our problems. We look to you where our help comes from. The days are dark. Lord bring your church to what it is meant to be to bring you Glory. Lord search my heart and take out anything that is dead and dying, anything that hinders me being all you have planned for me to be in you. I rest in you, my trust is in you. My desire is for you alone, I thirst for you O Lord. Holy Spirit teach us what to pray in these last days. Cause us to enter into your perfect rest through the veil with boldness.

  3. One does not know just how powerful and how much needed the power of the Holy Ghost is if they’ve never experienced it. That’s why we have so many out there today that deny it and are confused by it because they’ve never been taught it is real or even experienced it for themselves. I thank God for the Holy Ghost that leads, directs, teaches, guides and keeps me day by day. When I pray I am not satisfied fully until the Holy Ghost reaches down and touches the inner most parts of my being. He intercedes in my behalf, He strengthens me when I am weak and encourages me when I am down and He is my protector from the enemy of my soul who would love to deceive me and cause me to fall. This warfare that Christians fight day to day has to be fought through and by the Holy Ghost, otherwise our strength is powerless against this enemy called satan. I personally feel like I never truly prayed the way I needed to until I allowed the Holy Ghost to pray through me. There is more to to being saved. You must not ask forgiveness and sit down and do or desire no more. The next step is to pray through to sanctification asking God to clean you up from the world and take the desires and habits and any other thing in your life away that isn’t pleasing unto Him. And then seek God to be filled with the Holy Ghost. You will find that you don’t know how you ever made it without Him. Oh the joy of serving Jesus and thank God for a man like you Bro. Chambers who is not afraid to let the light penetrate the darkness of this world and tell it like it needs to be told.

  4. Dear Pastor
    What you said is true.Pentecostals are returning to Catholicism and the power of the Holy Spirit is seldon seen or used in many churches. I am glad atleast a few still move with the power of God and look for the work of the Holy spirit.
    One day I love to have you in our church in India.
    In Him Pastor Daniel
    Voice of Gospel Ministries


  6. Amen, Pastor Chambers, I attended an AG school (Trinity) that was founded on the power of God over 30 years ago. I have also been a member of two other Pentecostal Denominations (Church of God & Four Square) as well as Pastor of an Independent Charismatic Church. Recently, I have discovered recordings of many of the founders of the modern Pentecostal movement and their writings. My, what a different message they preached compared to what is heard today. They were with what you shared in this message. Pray until God shows up and then great things will be accomplished!

  7. Amen and Amen!
    I appreciate your preaching the “full gospel.” What a blessing it is to hear the “meat
    of the word,” strong meat, and not just milk like most preachers are feeding their flock.
    Paul told the Hebrews in Chapter 5, “everyone that uses milk is unskillful in the word:
    for he is a babe. But strong meat belongs to them that are of full age, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” Paul also told the Corinthians
    he had fed them milk, and not meat: for some were not able to bear it. The same thing holds
    true today…..many are carnal and walk as mere men. The Bible tells us if anyone lacks
    wisdom, let him ask of God, that gives to all men generously and without reproach and it
    will be given to him. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!” (Heb. 13:8)
    He is still in the healing and miracle business; we should not contend with the Word of God.

  8. WOW.. i was just in a “christian chat” where i said basically the same thing. Until Men Know Jesus Christ by The Revelation of The Holy Spirit they only “know” about Him as it is NOT the same as Being Born again. We have Myrids of “Bible Believers’ but very few Jesus Believers . They will whole heartedly agree that they believe the bible yet seem incapable of recognizing their need for Jesus and i dont mean the bible but Jesus by The Holy Spirit Quickening their mortal Bodies to Truly Know Jesus as he is not merely as He was. Revelation comes to men whom He Choses NOT ALL who purchase a bible then quote it but Hearers of The Word (Jesus) as The Spirit Reveals more and more of Jesus.As The Spirit Quickens us we are changed into His Likness from “Glory to Glory” to Glorious Manfestation of Himself to The Sons of God.I know most of you “know” the scriptures but do we Truly Know Jesus by the bible or by Realationship? We can know a great deal about Jesus from the scriptures but an intimate realationship with Jesus is Far above a knowldge of the bible as the same bible declares that IF the “Miricals Jesus had done were to be written NOT even the world could contain those books should thay have been written”. we are Told that “Christ in You is The HOPE of Glory” not the scriptures in you.Get alone w/Jesus IF you know him and get to Know His Voice by The Quickening of The Spirit as it is ONLY those who “Know His Voice” that can be Led of The Spirit. Bibical Idolarty seems to be the order of the day while Jesus is seldom allowed a “Word” in EdgeWise.
    Truly The Leven of The Pharisees has killed most who claim The Name of Christ.I was led to study the phrase “The Word of God” and not 1 time does it refer to scriptures but alWays to The Spoken by God Word, Not the written. The Bible calls Jesus The Word of God yet somewhere along the “Way’ man decided the bible was The Word… Heaven Help us to Know His Voice.. none of the New Testaments saints had a “bible”.. They were Living Epistles who had His Testimony written on their Hearts.. NOT Memorized and so did ALL the Saints who lived and died in The Faith w/no bibles. We Should be so impoverished.


  9. I guess when in comes to speaking in tongues as the scriptures came to me, it is a gift. Since we are all part of the body of Jesus Christ, I can’t see where we would all receive the gift of speaking in tongues as we all , according to scripture, have different gifts in the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit is within me, He is my teacher, comforter, my prayer warrior. I have heard people at church speaking in a tongue, but no one was able to interpret. Therefore, no one in the church body was edified. This is a pentecostal church too. Does that mean everyone there isn’t saved?

    Brother Sowers,

    The Bible shows tongues both as a gift in the church and a ministry in the individual life. When the Holy Spirit is edfying an individual that is not suppose to be interpreted, because the person is speaking to God. (I Corinthians 14:2) When the Holy Ghost is giving a message to the Church that reguires an interpretation. Church history has many examples of the gifts in the church. For instance, “In a German work, Souer”s History of the Christian Church,vol.3 page 406 the following is found: ‘Dr. Martin Luther was a prophet, evangelist, speaker in tongues and interpreter, in one person, endowed with all the nine gifts of the Holy Sperit.'” Why has our church missed this so bad?

    Joseph R. Chambers

  10. I have to admit…i am always a little skeptical when it comes to alot of faith healers and money mongrels int he church today. I do agree with the post and most of the entirety of what is said on this page. Although for the church in India to bash any denomination is not Of HIM!! We are not to judge…but to let the Holy Spirit show us the Truth and that will set you free. To admonish is only to be done in the presence of three who shall testify to the truth and hold the parties accountable. God is the Only JUDGE!! Now off the bandwagon and what i wanted to say in the first place….I do not feel that i know The presence of the Holy Ghost(spirit in this context is not found in the Bible) is always there….but I Do know that when His Presence is with me and in me. I recall and testify to the Word with boldness and yes sometimes in Tongues. For anyone to believe that they can read God’s Word and know Jesus without the HOLY GHOST is a complete fallacy!! Jesus even told us to seek him before we pray, eat, sleep, work, rest, or any other activity. We should pray unceasingly….In the Holy Ghost, In Jesus name, and read HIS Word(read HIM as i would call it) with the Presence of The Holy Ghost guiding us for understanding, for reproof and wisdom!!

    Brother you hit it on the nail head and if your not anointed the scriptures are as just milk!!!