Eternal Heaven Is Worth It All

What is the value of Heaven to you? How willing are you to take up your cross and follow Christ to inherit Heaven for Eternity? What will a man/women give in exchange for their soul? My special emphasis in this broadcast is the matchless difference in the New Heavens that we see in Revelation 21 from the present Heaven where a saint goes at their death. “And I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea” (Revelation 21:1). One great difference is that the saints will have their glorified bodies, while they are now present in Heaven, but as a living soul and spirit. Another great truth is that Satan still has access to accuse us to the Father, but cannot after he is cast out. When we enter the New Heaven, Satan will have been cast into the Lake of Fire. That will change the New Heaven drastically. Jesus Christ is now the High Priest of the Heavenly Temple and He is interceding to the Father for us. In the New Heaven there will be no need of Him interceding for us because we will be glorified saints. He will then be the Co-Regent with the Father and they will rule us in Holiness forever. Hear more in this Broadcast. Next week we start discussing the eternal Lake Of Fire.